The Dating Thread - Part II

You’re an awful rogue

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Sorry to hear that pal.

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All part of life’s journey mate. You’ll be grand. But if you don’t feel like you’re coping, and I’m deadly serious here, talk to a friend. Anyone. Time heals all.


Its shite when it ends but when the shit clears its a whole new world out there. Ride everything in sight. Get a few older ladies,not too old like wayne rooney, and they will give ya a few lessons. :grinning:

Even TFK is laughing at me :sweat:


Have you tinder downloaded yet?

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Fuck em… You’ll be laughing when you’re ramming endless young wans over the next few months.

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Chin up, pal. Take on board some of this well meaning advice from the chaps here. It’s time to immerse yourself in TFK now. Win us some money. Start some feuds. Develop a niche for yourself. You are capable of great things and can become an internet big hitter if you put your mind to it. Get out and about a little bit too though.

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There were easier ways of getting a “nice reply” than by breaking up with your girlfriend. You could have posted up a picture of a tractor or your dinner.


As I’ve told you before, the advantage you have is that you can see yourself in 20 years time while hanging around here. Trust me when I tell you , that you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about in ten years time.


You have resolution mate, there’s something to be said for that.

Closure even

This is the greatest breakup song of all time. I played it for a month when my first marriage broke up.
I still revert to it a few times a year to give me that dirty horrible raw feeling in the pit of your stomach, usually when I’m alone in a hotel room after pulling the stomach off myself. I think it’s good to experience that now and again.
I have it on here now and I’m bawling crying.


In 10 years - 10 days more like.


The only one laughing at you was @TheUlteriorMotive advising you to send her a Christmas card.

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@Copper_pipe has had a mental breakdown. I am reliably informed

Give it a week or so, belt a text to 2 or 3 good single mates, book a good hotel in Kilkenny and head down for a Saturday eve.