The Dating Thread - Part II

A confusing one to follow but A girl I’m very friendly with through the horses ended up with one of my best friends completely randomly. Both ended up in the same city for 6 months etc etc. the girl was going out with another lad I knew but didn’t particularly like or trust before she left for the six months. I regularly meet her ex and kind of felt bad knowing what was going on. She’s now home and was straight back with him. My friend had to stay on another six months and doesn’t stop asking me about her etc etc. In the mean time I found out the lad(original boyfriend) had cheated on her multiple times before she left. Do I shut up and say nothing or rat on the original boyfriend, ruining his relationship and maybe in turn give my buddy another chance or am I ruining the girl I’m friends with relationship and leaving everybody single? I’m very conflicted.

Mind your own business.


You sound like Linda Trip there pal. Let it go

Leave well alone. You’ll get blamed.

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And don’t forget to stick your thumb up your hole


She’s obviously fairly gamey. Try your own case. Fuck everyone else.


She’s friends with the Mrs too and I’m terrified if it all comes out in the wash I’ll be in trouble.

Is the Mrs the bird you were on about pursuing last year? :clap:

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Christ, can you draw a few Venn diagrams to help explain?


Keep your honker out of it

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I maybe didn’t emphasis how friendly I am with girl.

Write to Dear Deirdre at the Sun mate,
This is not for TFK


You could set her up with @hbv when he ditches the wife/wives

Bros before hoes

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Ok, how friendly, exactly?

Question for ye.
We were out with another two couples on Friday after work. Both also have daughters who are 18. When the boyfriends come over the there’s no hassle with the sleeping arrangements, they just sleep with the girlfriends. Would I be in a minority in thinking that it’s just plain wrong?
I’m not talking the “not under my roof” approach. I just think it’s a bit young is all.

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If they are 18 they are almost definitely riding already. No point pretending otherwise. Would you rather they were banging them in the back of a car or something

What’s wrong with riding in the back of a car?