The Dating Thread - Part II

If you’ve been invited for a sleep over then go for it. You don’t need our permission.


Saying that I wasn’t allowed sleep in the same bed as my missus in her place until after we got married. We were living together probably 8 years by the end of it and we still weren’t allowed :sweat_smile: Not that it ever really bothered me to be honest


Chance would be a fine thing


I never even broached the topic, you’d hardly be riding anyway and you’d have a fine double bed to yourself, electric blanket, puffed pillows and the works

At 18 I’d have been more than happy - back of car, top of car, under car…
I wouldn’t have thought any parent would have let me near their eighteen year old daughter and expected her or anyone else in the house to get any sleep.
Young fellas probably aren’t as horned up these days, they probably have manners, respect and all sorts of unnecessary baggage to deal with.
I suppose that’s the way it’s gone nowadays.

Ah sure at that age a car would have been a big plus

Plain wrong

Back in my day the car would have probably been older than myself

A woman would also have been a big plus

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You wouldn’t chance a bit of danger sex in the inlaws?

Make a pass at her mother?

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Interesting that your mind went there Mike. Is the mother in law hot?

She’s 78 chief. I’d have revert back to the “I’d say in her day” thread to continue this conversation


I’d say it’s the other way round. Young lads don’t have to work for it these days. Back in my day if you managed to get a peak at her bra strap , it was considered first base and even if you were lucky enough to get further, it probably involved trying to take off thick woollen jumpers and dock Martins laced up to her fucking thighs. Jesus you’d have to stop for a fag half way through


What kind of women had ye in Kilkenny?, Christ.

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Jesus christ Mike, you and me are the same vintage and it wasn’t that bad.

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Careful Mike!
I agree, they have it far too easy. Do you remember that whole smiths craze. Dungarees and brogues… We were robbed blind.


Just emphasising my point chief. ( I don’t even know what point I was trying to make)