The Dating Thread - Part II

It fucking was @Fitzy, and worse.
Also I’ll most likely end up in hell for the debauchery I’ve carried out in churchyards and graveyards as a teen, sure they were a perfect location for a bit of a shift and a finger banging session. Always dark and almost always in a town centre.

Dry riding. Do you remember that carry on :joy::joy:

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Yeah some night clubs were like an episode of green acres meets aufwiedersehen pet

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Not wrong at all I would say.


This is a very informative post.

How did this end up buddy ?
Any contact since.

She sent me a few texts since alright. Only small talk tbh. Go for a drink etc. I still think we’d have made it work. Im a fairly easy going kind of fella like. One of the lads saw her out a few weeks ago and said she was legless :thinking:

I might give her a text there next week…


Don’t, it’ll pass.

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That was a great post

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We were on separate floors in my parents til we were wed (we only met a year before we got married so it wasn’t often) but even after the wedding my ma put us into the same room but had two single beds pointedly in there with about a foot between them. Still makes me smile.

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Galway women by the sound of it.

The two of them at at it behind each others backs. The relationship is doomed. It’s all the one, do what you like with a clears conscience.

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Stop please, a forumite has enough on his plate.

due the fact that a forumite has litigation pending with regard to this particular issue, this passive aggressive attack can only be viewed as very very poor form.

#prayforbandage #staystrongbandage


The defence will argue that the litigant shouldn’t have been using the same one for the entire trip to Iceland, especially without taking it off occasionally


Sounds like a keeper.