The Dating Thread - Part II

Fuck sake man, her fella posts on here

One of them does anyway.


Fuck those Love Island idiots who have taken over the other thread.

I am being physically and emotionally turned inside out and put through a wringer by a woman, a hell of a woman, I think the best I’ve ever met. We spent all day today fucking. I left her home about an hour ago and I’m lying on the couch exhausted. The only time I’ve ever felt like this before is coming off ecstacy. I can’t believe it’s only been 2 and a half months, it’s been so intense. We’re in love. She’s met my parents and been to Monaghan. She knows all about the “Tanks Kid in Brazil” thread. But it’s very very difficult sometimes, emotionally bruising. We fight sometimes. She is a very complicated woman, she’d have to be for me to be interested. She is unhappy about a lot and she has problems in her life that neither of us can fix. I don’t know what’s going to happen.


Does she have AIDS?

What are you asking us, m8?

If you can be happy by yourself then I think that’s the route to go. It’s much easier to content yourself than it is others, along with yourself.


How is she at putting the auld flat pack Ikea together? Test her with that before you make up your mind


If she’s been to Monaghan already and hasn’t bolted she’s a keeper.


Take a long hard look at her family. That’s what’s going to happen.

Especially the mother
Always check out the mare before buying the foal



Agreed, an odious prick that fella.

This’ll send a few of the oulder lads, who haven’t got the leg over in months, absolutely demented.

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I think you’re a top poster, I’ve a lot of respect for you.

Did you meet her on the INTERNET?

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Are the entire family sex people?

Tank is dating Ashling Thompson but she’s off to the slammer soon.



He wants to slam her before she hits the slammer

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I’ve tears in my eyes here mate, delighted for you.

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