The Dating Thread - Part II

TI believe she putts from the rough

Now I know why you’re called tank😉

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It’s sounds to me like she’s bad news and you’re what we used to call ‘cunt struck’ back in the day.
My advice is get the fuck away from her.

I think he’s going to have to ride this one out


I was going to post this in the things that are wrong thread but I think here may be just as appropriate.

Was out in town yesterday with my little pet. A friend of hers came and met us for a couple of drinks. She was telling me about this lad from Clonmel she had met online and they had been on a good few dates and things were going well at that point. The two of them decided to head off to Spain for 5 days.

The arrive the first day and spend it by the pool, having a great time. They go back to the room and she has a shower and is getting ready to go out, he being a gentleman has a glass of wine ready for her. When she is finished dolling herself up she asks yourman is he going to go for a shower to freshen up to which he replied “No, I am grand as I am, sure I was swimming earlier”

He literally went away on holidays for five days with the one pair of shorts and three t shirts. He would swim and sunbath in the shorts and then wear them out at night, would even wear them to bed.

He also only showered once on the whole trip.

What the fuck is wrong with people. Dating in your mid to late 30s sounds grim as fuck.


fucking hell, you have to be joking?

run a mile, she’s a fucking nut, if you think you positively change/influence someone like that you are in for a world of pain

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Nope, she showed me a couple of pictures of said shorts on the holiday.

She was also able to show me a pic on his facebook profile from 5 years ago where he was wearing the same good t shirt which he wore on the holiday.

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He’s far too good for her. I’d say he probably footed the bill for the holiday she’s bitching about.

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She maintained he was a repressed/closeted homosexual. Had little interest in the ride.

A common enough theme she tells me. Single men in their late 30/early 40s, no real interest in the ride but can’t accept/come to terms that they are homosexuals so do the online dating craic so not to arise suspicion from their parents and peer group and hope to find some unsuspecting desperate woman who is happy to ignore their sexual repression and go along with it as a glorified beard.


is she a looker or a munter?

he may be gay he might not be, but shes been on the shelf a long time herself so either shes gay herself and using him as a beard or there’s “issues” with her

Jesus that is grim. I would need a shower pretty much every 12 hours in Spain to feel anyway hygienic, nevermind if I was going on holidays with a bird for the first time.

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Anyone who’s been to Monaghan and hasn’t bolted clearly has significant issues. Tread very carefully, @Tank.

@Big_Dan_Campbell, have you and your little pet set a date yet?


She is a nice girl. Tis all relative, she isn’t a stunner but she isn’t a munter either. Good craic and is a veteran of the tinder/internet dating world and is never short of male suitors on these from the stories my little pet tells me.

Appears to be a complete shit magnet though when it comes to fellas. All seem to be country lads looking for a mammy to mind them types.

I am a happily married man


I don’t know how they do it, ladies…

Belated congratulations, old epal.

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He’ll hath no fury like a woman scorned
Say what you like about the gays but they’re notoriously hygienic

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It’s probably his scoring shirt. We have all had one of those, they can be hard to move on from.