The Dating Thread - Part II

Not yet.

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Actually, to be serious, if you want some common ground with her complain about the lack of discipline in modern schools - teachers aren’t allowed confiscate the phones off the kids, the kids are texting right through class. The parents are lazy bums who never see the kids and expect the teachers to rear them. You can’t shout at a black kid because that’s racist.

She’ll love all that, you should be able to manage that much.

It would be gas if Fulvio started going out with a teacher, it could break the internet.


where are you going to go that you don’t need a vaccine passport?

Surely no reason to be ashamed of it?

“Isn’t it desperate the way you can’t shout at black kids?”


It’s my own personal business.

Dont ask, dont tell.

I hear ya.

Ah look I’m just going to go with it. If it gets nasty, it gets nasty and what can you do.

She has the chance to validate my stereotypes or challenge them.

Fuck me. Is it any wonder you are single?


I’m looking for the following

  • good looking girl, slight frame, 5ft3-5ft6
  • preferably a few years my junior
  • humble, easy going and good humoured
  • ideally not into country music or dogs
  • a girly girl, rather than one of those gym bunnies obsessed with trying to be a man and loves to tell people how much she loves the gym
  • drinks womens drinks like gin, wine and cocktails and not bottles of beer
  • ideally a practising Catholic with good morals

If I’m putting myself out of the market with those expectations then so be it but that’s what I want.


Would you make an exception if she was a fan of Cliona Hagan?

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Edit no, sorry I misread that. I thought you said if she was Cliona Hagan.


I was told by a fella that he’s method pre Internet days was go ugly early. Never failed him. He’s divorced now.

Take what you want from that advise

I don’t know a single person like that, sorry.

99% of women on these apps seems to love dogs
Dogs are a fucking pain IMO

This bollocks as well about climbing up a mountain or a hilltop. I can guarantee you if camera phones were never invented then about 98% of the people who engage in this idiotic pastime would never even bother doing. It’s all about the photo shot.


Best of luck on the dates. Have you the above on your profile?


No I don’t want to scare suitors away either. I realise I may have to compromise on one or two things. I’m not a complete ideologue.


Jesus I’m nodding my head in agreement with you so much I’d consider dating you myself.


Did any lads on here meet their life partners on an app or indeed in a brochure ?

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Don’t answer that @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy