The Dating Thread - Part II

  • I didn’t put the meeting off
  • I text her around 12ish on the Saturday to see what she wanted to do but that later suited me
  • She text back to say she had something later on but we could try and meet before that
  • She then text back a short while later saying she was running late today and wouldn’t be able to meet but we could meet up this week or next weekend if I wanted
  • I said that was no problem

She seems a bit scattered though so if we can’t make time for Fulvio she doesn’t get a shot at the title.

Let me look at this again….
You’ve a loose arrangement to meet up on Saturday but are too hungover to attend, an evening dalliance possibly, but Hey! I’m as wake as water.
The múinteóir rules the late date out (possible ride arranged for that night).
She suggests a rendezvous this week…this is just brushing you off.
You now place the burden of arrangement on her in the full knowledge that she’s already kicked you to the kerb.

I won’t attempt to find a scapegoat but bloke fails to tog-out for 2nd date wouldn’t be overly encouraging. Hopefully you used the line you were held up getting an antigen test or some other credible excuse (Granny dead…).
Being under the weather isn’t much of an explanation to Mammy …


You arranged to meet in the morning/afternoon and you didn’t message until the afternoon -after the agreed meeting time - to say that you would be unable to meet at the agreed time and would later work?

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I’m wondering why you fell the burden was on me to arrange the second date?

I was the one who instigated the second date. She failed to show up but offered to reconvene again and now I’m waiting to see if there is anything of substance there. I won’t be in a position to see her anyway until the following weekend now.

Is she a looker with a nice personality based on the first date @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy? Be persistent here and push on for the second date if she is. Sounds like she’s interested. A good nights sleep is essential too before a date, can’t be looking at 70% with a pounding headache after a night of beering as she may not appreciate your full rugged good looks.

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Where did you figure that one out Einstein? I didn’t arrange. We both agreed to it. Your comprehension skills are shocking. I didn’t hear from her so text about 12ish and she said that she had something on later but we could meet before that then text back shortly after saying she couldn’t but we could do next week or the weekend. I said that was sound.

As one who likes to move the goalposts in discussion let me draw your attention to this matter. I
I said you didn’t tog-out for the 2nd date, nothing about arranging it.


I’d give her a 8/10 in terms of looks.

The old Fulvio would have been persistent but new Fulvio fresh from successive heart breaks and hard luck stories is no longer doing the chasing. If they want a shot at the title then they have to show me that. If she’s not interested then it’s better for both of us.

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You seem to be making a right hames of this meeting, if you don’t mind my saying so.

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What’s done is done. I think blame lies in both corners.

I guess what we find out now is if she’s full of shit or not with if she actually wants to meet up again.

No, it lies with you for missing the meeting because you were hungover. You’ve a bit of work to do to save this one I’d say.

Any famous female you would compare her to in terms of looks to help with our visualisation of this scenario? I think you may have been a little bit harsh on her, the opportunity is still there to rearrange. She could be lovely and completely different from previous heartbreaks. Deserves the chance anyway. I’m sure this could still end well though. She may have reneged from a late night rendezvous date to keep herself fresh for school on Monday.

I didn’t miss the meeting. One of us should have checked in earlier in the morning to confirm the specifics. Neither of us did.

You seem to already misunderstood a lot of the basic facts already as you seemed to think I arranged the date when it was actually her who made the initial suggestion and plans were made loosely. Pay more attention in future.

Missing a meeting because you were hungover is about as disrespectful as you can get really. Hopefully for you you will learn from this experience.

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The lady from The Americans.

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Ok, so she was disrespectful too?

No, in this situation you’d have been expected to message first. You also didn’t actually make yourself available at the time you said you would so now you’ve created the impression of a man who can’t be taken at his word.

Why on earth was I expected to text first, which I actually did? Seems you are very keen to make judgements with little knowledge and doing so while managing to make a mess of every bit of information out there. Idiot.

And above all people to be dishing out dating advice here, you must be one of the few posters on this forum who actually sucks at the dating scene more than I do.

Fellas and women do be mad to be trying to play mind games. It’s no harm to be fairly straight forward about things. They either like you or they don’t