The Defense Forces/Cadetship

No, Noonan was the lad who lost the FF whip when he voted against the divorce bill on moral grounds. He does readings at Meanus mass so I suppose he had a crisis of conscious.

[quote=“scumpot”]Cadets would be a nice number when you finally get to be an officer and get a nice post in some barracks like Rathmines…but i’d say the training is tough…i know the cadets get serious stick off the army lads…they hate eachother by all accounts…the cadets would be more educated and disciplined to start with whereas the army soldiers would have a few lads who needed the disciplining that the army gives…saw the army playing the cadets in a football match out in the phoenix park one time and it was filthy…i’d say it was the nearest to war a few of them will ever get…
Pukey the French foreign legion is the place for you I reckopn…:thumbsup:[/quote]

good mate of mine did a stint in said legion.

I’d say that was no picnic Fenway. Any gory stories?

a lot of those boys end up as contract killers…

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Give it up Puke
If you didn’t know there was a difference between entering as a cadet and entering as a regular you are fucked
If you’d even consider entering as a regular you’re fucked
Basically you’re fucked, full stop.[/quote]

What the fuck are you on about…Where did I say I would consider joining as a regular you stones

the marines will take any kinda lad these days crimnal record or not what with 2 wars goin on,theyll even give ye a green card after 3 years, you just have to stay alive though,that could be a problem,take flano with ye as well for a laugh

know a good few cadets, most of them are decent enough skins, do the dog on it in college by all accounts…

Do the Corps have any ‘Rear Echelon Mother Fucker’ positions these days or does everybody fight? Wouldn’t mind a green card in case this joint goes under.

he confused you with runt i think

anyway back on topic- people who join the army are tards- joining the free state army is an admittance that you are a failure in normal life


[quote=“north county corncrake”]

anyway back on topic- people who join the army are tards- joining the free state army is an admittance that you are a failure in normal life[/quote]

how exactly is that, an organisation that is willing to take me in, train me up with full pay, pay me to go back to college full time and possibly see some of the world and broaden my horizons and after a few years service allow me to fuck off with a pension, sounds better than most graduate placements/internships

cannonfodder is what they need these days,somebody has to set off the IEDs,may as well be robson and jerome

It really annoys me to see the lack of pride the grunts in the Irish army have when in the public eye. I see them every day in the local statoil, their blouse nearly hanging around their knees, boot laces undone, boots dull from lack of polish. You’d wonder is there any discipline going on at all. I believe once you’ve done basic you do fcuk all exercise after that. Surely these breakfast roll eating fools should be going over obstacle courses a few times a week ensuring they’re fit enough to defend this country from enemies without and within.

its run by idiots

there are 2 types of people in the army - half wits that are too thick to get proper jobs or half wits that enjoyed been scouts & want to play at been soldiers - unfortunately the second bunch seem to be in the ascendancy hence Irelands imperialist adventures in chad. hopefully the financial crisis will see these cunts been reigned in & they get back to doing what they are meant to be doing which is national emergencies such as floods etc- i dont think you fall into either of those categories

defend the state surely- they have no intention of defending the country

[quote=“north county corncrake”]its run by idiots

there are 2 types of people in the army - half wits that are too thick to get proper jobs or half wits that enjoyed been scouts & want to play at been soldiers - unfortunately the second bunch seem to be in the ascendancy hence Irelands imperialist adventures in chad. hopefully the financial crisis will see these cunts been reigned in & they get back to doing what they are meant to be doing which is national emergencies such as floods etc- i dont think you fall into either of those categories[/quote]

I think you are being a bit simplistic there ncc, I wouldn’t clas myself in either of them classifications…It may wel be run by idiots but given trhe current economic climate it seems to me that it is very much a viable option for me…

i said that at the end - 30 years ago people joined the army to get away from crime- now the culture in the army is that they are proper soldiers that want to see action- hence Chad & the European reactionary force or whatever its called

Puke would have no shortage of clients in limerick<object width=“425” height=“344]<param name=“movie” value=”
hl=en&fs=1&]<param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true]<param name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always]<embed src=”
hl=en&fs=1&” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true” width=“425” height="344]

“I got a letter from the government the other day…”
great scene from a great film