The Defense Forces/Cadetship

Isn’t Limerick hurling sensation Andrew O’Shaughnessy a cadet?

He is, as are Eoin Larkin and Steven Mulomphy

case closed

dermot earley too…

sean armstrong?

John Rambo?

colonel Kurtz?..

gomer pyle

Chuck Norris?

Major Dad?

Private Joker?

Captain and Tennille were cadets in the navy

You don’t want to join the navy, Pukey.

no, would rather the Irish Army TBH…The cdets is one of four career options I am mulling over at the moment, a decision will hav to be made soon enough…

What are the other ones? Surprised there are four options available at the moment to be honest, even for a man with your encyclopedic knowledge of Limerick taverns. :smiley:

Option 1:

Continue as I am, applying away for jobs in hope, arsing about and drawing the dole

Option 2:

the Cadets, not a guarentee that i would get in as there is bound to be a lot of competition, but sure might as well cahce the auld arm

Option 3:

go back and do aa masters full time for a year in the hope that things will have improved in 12 months

Option 4:

Go back and do a masters part time, I would be able to keep my dole and would have the majority of the week to do my own thing, also could still apply away for jobs and prospective employers may well be willing to cut me some slack if a job opprotunity came up to finish the masters…

option 4 is the favoured one at the moment

I would like option 4 myself. Still get the dole, bohemian lifestyle maintained but with something to keep you occupied, with plenty time for football and gym, also an excuse for checking out the hot birds in the college library.

they are the main benefits along with the fact that with a part time one you pay per module rather than one lump sum…it is the bones of 5k to do a full time one…

You’ve to pay fees? God be with the days you just paid your 90 quid admin fee and got your library card.

he does’nt talk about it and i dont ask. hes a can or two short of a six pack.