The Defense Forces/Cadetship

Apols Puke
How could I have mixed you and the Runt up…
Anyway glad to see you now the difference between enlisted men and the officer class
If you are thinking of applying you need to do it properly, there will be a lot of competition, usually a good few engineers and lads that take things seriously.
The first round interview is a doddle, basically they need to make sure you are sane, intelligent and know a bit about the army
Round 2 gets much more serious, A large panel (7) when I did it interviewing you, the physical in itself isn’t difficult but you get points awarded for how good you are (ie how quick your mile and a half run is etc. Then the medical where the give you the once over,
My lack of respect for authority shone through and eliminated my chances of joining, rendering my dreams of lots of nights spent drinking cheap pints in the officers mess over.

Eoin Larkin isnt an army officer hes just an honest to goodness foot soldier,he could be a corporal at this stage id say,hes no cadet anyway just an ordinary kind of alright sort.

Yes, but I suspect there aren’t that many positions in it.

There’s not a country in the world that wouldn’t have done the same thing. He was a deserter.


disband the pig band too

the army shouldnt be doing any recruitment whatsoever - we are a neutral country why the fuck do we need an army?[/quote]

Double Yawn !!

quote="north county corncrake"its run by idiots

there are 2 types of people in the army - half wits that are too thick to get proper jobs or half wits that enjoyed been scouts & want to play at been soldiers - unfortunately the second bunch seem to be in the ascendancy hence Irelands imperialist adventures in chad. hopefully the financial crisis will see these cunts been reigned in & they get back to doing what they are meant to be doing which is national emergencies such as floods etc- i dont think you fall into either of those categories[/quote]

Treble Yawn !!! I’m beginning to regret reading this thread.

Despite the left-wing reactionary comments above, there is a lot to be said for it. I considered joing the Navy when I left school, as an Officer Cadet. My father was at sea and served in the Irish Navy.

Unfortunately, the thing that put me off was the poor pay, relative to a civvy street position. Back then of course I didn’t realise that public servant pay is never what it seems to be and if I had considered all the possible allowances etc then it would have been higher,… but probably still below graduate wages elsewhere.

[quote=“Shadow”]Yes, but I suspect there aren’t that many positions in it.

There’s not a country in the world that wouldn’t have done the same thing. He was a deserter.


Double Yawn !!

Treble Yawn !!! I’m beginning to regret reading this thread.

Despite the left-wing reactionary comments above, there is a lot to be said for it. I considered joing the Navy when I left school, as an Officer Cadet. My father was at sea and served in the Irish Navy.

Unfortunately, the thing that put me off was the poor pay, relative to a civvy street position. Back then of course I didn’t realise that public servant pay is never what it seems to be and if I had considered all the possible allowances etc then it would have been higher,… but probably still below graduate wages elsewhere.[/quote]

The whole site is thinking…YAWN,you’re a boring cunt…graduate wages no less,go fuck yourself.

Can’t say I think that I’d be able to achieve such a feat. If you’ve managed it yourself then congratulations !

[quote=“Shadow”]Yes, but I suspect there aren’t that many positions in it.

There’s not a country in the world that wouldn’t have done the same thing. He was a deserter.


Double Yawn !!

Treble Yawn !!! I’m beginning to regret reading this thread.

Despite the left-wing reactionary comments above, there is a lot to be said for it. I considered joing the Navy when I left school, as an Officer Cadet. My father was at sea and served in the Irish Navy.

Unfortunately, the thing that put me off was the poor pay, relative to a civvy street position. Back then of course I didn’t realise that public servant pay is never what it seems to be and if I had considered all the possible allowances etc then it would have been higher,… but probably still below graduate wages elsewhere.[/quote]

reactionatry comments? huh?

yout father served in the Irish navy - big fuckin deal- glorified coast gaurds is all those mongs are but at leats with the coast gaurds there isnt the whole homo blowing each other that goes on all the time with the Irish “navy”

What age are you? If your 23 on the 1st of Jan of the year your applying for the county council will pay the fees. Have to prove your not living at home and all that.

I paid for my own Masters, loan off the bank. Still fooking paying it :rolleyes:

[quote=“KIB man”]What age are you? If your 23 on the 1st of Jan of the year your applying for the county council will pay the fees. Have to prove your not living at home and all that.

I paid for my own Masters, loan off the bank. Still fooking paying it :rolleyes:[/quote]

Ya but at least you’ve now got a job you love out of it

[quote=“north county corncrake”]reactionatry comments? huh?

yout father served in the Irish navy - big fuckin deal- glorified coast gaurds is all those mongs are but at leats with the coast gaurds there isnt the whole homo blowing each other that goes on all the time with the Irish “navy”[/quote]

NCC, I do understand that you like to goad me (amongst many) but please do leave off spouting about what you don’t know about, particularly if that involves insulting people with at least as much right to some respect as you have.

I never claimed my father’s service was a big deal, I just mentioned it because it was pertinent to why I considered such a career. My father was in the navy as a young man in the 50’s but I suspect that he and many of his contemporaries would still be “man” enough to give you a good hiding if you uttered the above to their faces.

Have a word with THE LINK WALSH and perhaps he can show you how to do his marvelous sexual contortion.

University graduates battle it out for army jobs

UNEMPLOYED graduates are fighting it out for a career in the army or navy.

The Defence Forces have been flooded with applications for 42 cadetships that were advertised earlier this month.

In the past 11 days, 1,641 applications have been received – an average of 39 for each of the 30 army and 12 naval service positions on offer.

Defence chiefs expect the figure to rise further before applications close at midnight tomorrow.

The positions are open to school-leavers, third-level students and graduates – and demand from graduates has doubled this year.

A Defence Forces spokesman said they had not seen such a level of interest in the cadetships since the recession of the 1980s.

The positions are routinely advertised in the spring, but, because of the public service recruitment embargo, defence chiefs had to make a special case and await permission before placing advertisements. The delay has put them under pressure to recruit the cadets and start their training in the autumn, in line with the usual schedule.

The positions were advertised on August 9 and applications are accepted online only at

The spokesman said the figures showed an increase of over 100pc for the Naval Service in particular.

About 25pc of all applicants are university graduates, more than double the level of graduates in 2008. The remainder are school leavers or current undergraduates. Applicants will go through a rigorous screening procedure of aptitude tests, physical fitness test, medical test and an interview.

Army cadets undergo 15 months training at the Military College, in the Curragh, Co Kildare with the ultimate aim of being commissioned to the officer rank. Naval Service cadets undergo basic training in the Military College and at the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork and at sea to qualify after two years as a naval officer.


Handing in notice Monday

Handing in notice Monday[/quote]


Handing in notice Monday[/quote]

It’s BT’s loss :thumbsup:


Fact. Will be a good place to work in a couple of years I reckon.

Fact. Will be a good place to work in a couple of years I reckon.[/quote]

Fairly relaxed as it is I would have thought

Fact. Will be a good place to work in a couple of years I reckon.[/quote]


Ah ya, doubt “working from home” will be tolerated as much elsewhere. Was some laugh at the start. But it’s a depressing place at the mo

Was BT just a lucky guess ?

Nope :thumbsup:

I was in the army once.
I was officially classified as a WMD.
I got started in Iraq and had most of the tanks blown up by the time the rest of the army got there.
Then I got booted out for showing everyone up.
The rest is history. You won’t see any statues of me however as the world believes itself to be safer when it can think that people like me don’t exist.
Yours on a different planet,