The Defense Forces/Cadetship

Pikie is a dangerous man…

Evidently. Maybe I posted it up here one night

Unlikely, that would be an insult to pikie. He’s gone through your trash.

Indeed-too many slip ups by the Clare man.
The ol’ know a fella that knows a fella came into play. :clap:

[quote=“Pikeman”]Indeed-too many slip ups by the Clare man.
The ol’ know a fella that knows a fella came into play. :clap:[/quote]

Wby knows but can’t see why he wud have told ya.

My suspicion is a former Clare hurler. Am I in the ballpark?

[quote=“KIB man”]Wby knows but can’t see why he wud have told ya.

My suspicion is a former Clare hurler. Am I in the ballpark?[/quote]

No-we’ll leave it there, just to wreck your head :thumbsup: :clap:

Philip Fuckface Lastname’s Friendface page?

Thought I had spelled his name incorrectly on purpose/impossible to spell anyway.

Your prob right tho

[quote=“KIB man”]Wby knows but can’t see why he wud have told ya.

My suspicion is a former Clare hurler. Am I in the ballpark?[/quote]

what comes and goes in PM stays in PM

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]No
what comes and goes in PM stays in PM[/quote]


What’s going on here?

Who’s doing all the messing?

How did you get on with this since, Puke? Did you ever apply for it?

I see you also mentioned the guards and how they aren’t recruiting, don’t they go on a recruitment drive every year starting in December?

Puke baulked at the part where you’ve to crawl through a sewer. He didn’t have the right stuff. I’d say you’d make a mean mother fucker in the army, Dunph, you’d be right up there with Bunny in Platoon if you could only shift some weight.


Bunny was a ledge.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 363740”]
[/quote] :smiley: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That’s photoshopped, i’m not really in an army suit there…

Know a few that did it. Went for it myself and missed out on it on eye sight, well colour blindness. Anyway your right, its a great life. You could do another degree and they’d pay you all the way. Its also the best way to get into the Rangers if that floated your boat. After you have your 5 years donw and your an officer you can go to one of the bases and piss around for another 15 years, on an engineering wage for instance, and then get a lovely pension.

I think they are, or its just coming up.