The Defense Forces/Cadetship

Isn’t it meant to be wicked hard get into the guards at the moment? Apparently there is a waiting list going back to the start of 2008, and these people are at the top of the queue. Supposedly 2008 is the last time they recruited apprentices…

Apprentices? There are no lists as far as i am aware, you just apply every time they come up. Family is a big thing nowadays though, even more than before. You either need to have had family in it previously or have some serious pull.

Often thought about it, but always felt they were just trained to become boring grumpy cunts and either you but into their way, or you’ll never enjoy it. Wouldn’t mind the Armed response unit now though, that would make the job interesting.

Otherwise your just a cunt with no gun, watching a load of cunts who have guns!

I saw a couple of lads today driving an unmarked car and they just hopped out and started hassling some junkie on O’Connell street, made me think it would be a good job. Would they recruit IT guys to do IT stuff or would still have to go through Templemore?

You’d still have to go to Templemore. I know a fella who is a qualified guard and all he does now is sit in the barracks watching CCTV cameras…

I could imagine myself hassling people…

Too easy :smiley:

I started typing but left it :lol:

I’ve seen you in a temper, you’d be a dirty cop, no question.

I’ve had them CCTV guys come down to my work place a few times to get stuff off my cameras, seems pretty boring.

If you go into cops with a degree i believe its worth a bit more to you starting.

I expected that lads, surprised it took that long.

[size=“6”]Ned O’Keeffe says army coup a ‘real possibility’ in Ireland[/size]

RETIRING FIANNA FAIL TD Ned O’Keeffe has said that the situation in Ireland has become so bad that an army coup is a “real possibility”.

The comments have been published in today’s Cork Evening Echo. He stood by the comments when contacted by

O’Keeffe also told the paper that he had been correct in his prediction about the country’s financial woes.

He has previously been an outspoken critic of Taoiseach Brian Cowen and said that both Cowen and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan had made such big mistakes that it could lead to a military intervention in Ireland:

Our political system is going to fail further. The two Brians have made a right mess of the country and I see the real possibility of an army coup.

People thought I was mad with all the things I have predicted through the years, but I foresaw the economy collapsing due to lax regulation on building housing estates and unwanted shopping centres.

When contacted by this afternoon O’Keeffe was not immediately aware of the comments that he made but said he stood by them:

I said what I said and that’s it. I said it because of the state of the economy.

The country is in crisis and the Fine Gael manifesto is totally going to destroy the country.

It’s not the first time O’Keeffe, a former junior agriculture minister, has been outspoken with his views. In 1995, he called for the film ‘Babe’ to be banned because it could harm Christmas ham sales.

Last month, in his last address to the Dáil, he claimed that Fianna Fail had become the “party of the racehorse owner”.

The Cork East TD is stepping down after 29 years in the Dáil. His son Kevin is running for the seat.

FFS the Irish Army wouldn’t drive the Sheridans out of Rathkeale, never mind take over the country.

I’d love to see them try :lol: :lol:

Seriously love, put the gun away, Red Cross nurses aren’t supposed to be armed.

I heard there at the weekend that an Irish soldier going away on their jaunts to the Leb get a €15,000 bonus on top of their salary.
While the British soldiers going to fight in an actual war where there’s a chance they might be killed get £5,000 :lol:

RTE news : Irish peacekeeper dies after convoy attacked in Lebanon

A lot of lads on here want more of this kind of thing.


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More of?



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He was an awful gobshite alright @The_Runt
Little as well.


Yes. @glasagusban and @Tim_Riggins want us to end neutrality and send irish men off to die for nato.

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Terrible fucking news, some awful videos online, looks like they were travelling in standard 4x4s.