Vile shit alright.
Hon ferns
Very misleading. The chap was in bits again after the euphoria wore off.
it was a game of bogball in Wexford-calm down with the hyperbole
Shinty actually
splitting hairs there bro
Contact lenses are expensive.
Everything is relative.
Which is why you started a thread about it?
Great thread
The once feared poster is now scrapping around in county gga threads. He must be close to rock bottom at this point. At least that means the only way will be up soon enough.
The NOGRA lads destroyed him. RIP.
He needs our help lads. Now is not the time to write him off
Calling 13 year old children simpletons is a deplorable act. I know TFK has a program of institutional bullying here, but that is just crossing the line.
Where’s that now, I’ve had to be far more selective in the threads I read.
Did you know that Jack the Ripper was actually Winston Churchill’s father?
Wexford GAA thread. Young lad (or girl) on telling us he was playing in the Feile this weekend. TSG brought his usual self into the GGA thread to have a pop at them.