The depression thread

You can fuckin sing that


How you doing @Batigol ? . At the risk of being subject to ridicule, im gonna suggest swimming in the sea/lake. There’s certainly some evidence that it can help. Basically the cold shock fires up all your body systems. Since lockdown the numbers of people at porto beach dipping daily ‘for their mental health’. They absolutely swear by it*. I dont really have any depressive issues that i know of but it’s incredibly invigorating. Youve a waterfall somewhere in laios for swimming methinks and your work is close to the beach in Porto/malahide. If you do take it up and enjoy it we’ll have a whip round to buy you a dry robe.

*it might turn you into a self obsessed weirdo though…


Ive never thought of you as self-obsessed


I can’t swim, I’m already self-obsessed and I’m not doing great.

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Did you go to Manchester in the end?

Id recommend the beach so. You just walk in and stand there. Then dip the head under.

Or you can buy one of these things and try it out for a month. Worst comes to worst you lose a few quid.

Good luck with everything.


I did

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That can’t have helped

I’m not a United fan. It was kinda funny seeing how utterly hopeless they were. The last time I went there they beat Liverpool 3-0, the time before that they went toe-to-toe with Real Madrid.


That woulda cheered me up no end so

We have five senses.


Doing things to make us appreciate each of those senses, to make us behold them, this is a major part of human contentment because it promotes the feelings of being alive, and can also promote relaxation.

I’m not into meditation or mindfulness per se but I firmly believe that each person can find their own individual way of appreciating the senses (if you have them all working properly of course, which I don’t which is the major reason I still have major depression).

The Dublin coastline is a treasure that Dubliners or those lucky enough to be in Dublin have been bequeathed with. That coastline the whole way from Bray up to Balbriggan has something for everybody. I think some of the happiest times of my life where when I worked in Dublin Airport and I would go out onto the concourse in front of departures to have a smoke and gaze across at Howth head and behold the view. My particular favourite time to do this was about 10am or 11am on a sunny Sunday morning, the queues would be out the door but you’d know you were clocking off at 1 or 3 and there was a big match in Croke Park that afternoon. You’d never not feel alive looking at that view.

Once I went to Dollymount strand on a pissing wet winter day to collect seaweed to spread on my vegetable patch. I probably did it just to look at the view of Poolbeg because I hadn’t a clue what I was doing with the seaweed.

If you like cycling, I don’t think there’s a better place to cycle in the world than Dublin city, Ireland, and its surrounds. I long to once again have the sort of feeling where you go out for a cycle and for the first 15-20 km it’s like you’re pedalling in treacle, you take it easy, and then you enter the touring phase of the cycle, taking in your surrounds and appreciating them, whatever they are, you gradually warm up, and then suddenly you’re in Loughshinny or Glencullen or Bray, then once you’ve stopped off at a petrol station to buy your bottle of Lucozade and down it, you’re firing and the pedals are on fire, and the journey home to beat the dark is quick as the air cools, and then when you get home you retrace your route on Google Maps, find out you’ve done 108 kilometres, and you’re fucking glowing from your insides, knackered yet completely energised.


Have there been any incidents of people having a banger?

Heart attack? Yes. Definitely someone at low rock but im not sure when that was. Might have been warmer weather in about april this year.

That’s be the fear! For all the good mental health benefits, that icy water could send the heart out clapping.

Anyway, I digress.

Do you ease yourself or straight in?
Its my balls im thinking of,not the ticker to be perfectly honest.

They do a lot of naked ice hole dipping in my current neck of the woods, inbetween saunas. All ages. If you go on a weekday, 9-5 it’s full of the 65-80 crew. I wouldn’t worry about the heart. The key is to keep the head above water when you dip, and if you find a sauna warm enough in Ireland close to somewhere you can plunge, the Finns would encourage you wear a good sauna hat, which protects your head from the heat, enabling you to stay in the sauna and sweat longer on the most elevated benches.

Have you thrown yourself in? If.your heart is able for it after, i’m confident.

What’s the issue more pressing than heart?!

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Oh yes, I used to go there a couple of times a week. Not as often these days. I remember an ex girlfriend’s Dad, three siblings and nephew tagged along with me once. With the whole lot of us sitting there without a stitch on us, I thought, ‘You’re not in Kansas now, Dorothy’. It’s not unusual for whole families, 2 or 3 generations, irrespective of gender to be nude in the sauna together here. The social services would be kicking your door in the following day in Ireland.

Sitting in a sauna and getting an eye full of your ma’s growler - I’ll pass thanks.