The depression thread

I’m going into the water and never coming back out

Heart attack from her clacker winking at you, never mind the water

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You’d be definitely lobbying for who gets up to put water on the coals if it was a family affair in Ireland. However, if you do it for a while here, it eventually helps with mentally separating nudity and sex, which is something most likely the puritans within christianity haped upon us. I’ve been to mixed saunas on Aufguss nights, which is when a bear-like german slaps different scented oils on the stones, and has a myriad of variation of towel flapping techniques to circulate the air through the confined space. There’s not a second glance given to all the boobs and genitalia on display. A non-issue.

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Shur you’re all too depressed to be bothering with stuff like that

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Cant imagine it being a frequent habit for teenage lads if that’s the case?

A world of therapy needed for a poor lad if an unwanted stonker makes its presence known at one of these family affairs.

I asked that, and I was informed that men and women go through an often very short period of embarrassment in their early teens, but that it passes. In Sweden, it’s more of a ‘wellness’ thing, as well as the tradition of doing it at their country houses or when they go skiing as a family unit. The Finns on the other hand I am told view someone as unclean if they don’t sauna at least once a week. The infrastructure of many buildings there are in danger due to the effects of having poorly thought out saunas in residential homes.

You have lived a very interesting life, there is a book in there somewhere.


There’s enough bowsies out there writing books minutely detailing a hairline above the ordinary of lives. We should at this point limit it to a category of ‘exceptional experiences only need apply’ at publisher level. The other gripe I refuse to let go is people writing books on their life before they hit 30. I’m sure many fit a lot worth reading into their first three decades, but at least will wait until you can marry it with sufficient, and valuable hindsight.


He’s been a superb and much needed addition to the forum



I’m at work but I shouldn’t be. Literally able to do nothing but trying to keep my sick leave down because I’m in clearance for a promotion and it’s already too high (from a previous bout of this cunt of a thing). Just go home every evening and go straight to bed. Saw a therapist who’s advice was to “try to pretend you aren’t depressed.”




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Have you tried bestowing random acts of kindness upon strangers?
It wouldn’t be my cup of tae, but some people swear by it.

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He got mugged off worse than @Big_Dan_Campbell bringing the childer for a haircut.

I took another man’s ticket to the United-Bournemouth match



Fake it till you make it.


wtf :sweat_smile: That’s unreal stuff.

I’ve a family member who has really suffered with depression. Id say she’s on various medications for at least twenty years, none of it has made a blind bit of difference…if anything she’s got worse. She’s also very articulate/literate about her depression- she talks about it frequently, has had various names for it over the years, and it has accompanied her everywhere. If anyone tries to talk to her about it she gets very defensive…protective almost. I’d nearly say it’s become her entire personality, except if anyone tries to talk to her about it in anything other than sympathetic terms she gets quite angry…the tone and scenario is reminiscent of someone defending a romantic relationship with a ne’er-do-well waster of an asshole. She needs to break up with it, she’d be better off alone, learn to stand on her own two feet. I know she’s afraid of being alone, but she’d be far better off without her depression.
This is no reflection on you, just a stupid ramble about a mindset that i think I’ve observed

The illness kinda makes you like that.

I think you deserve better