The depression thread

Not great tbh.

Surreal experience all told. Being asked earnestly if you think there are aliens controlling your brain is something I never thought id experience

Fuck me.

In my experience mental health ‘experts’ are happy to categorise you as this or that.

The reality is there is an underlying issue with anxiety or a depression and that is putting strain on your nervous system which needs time to recover.

So you’re not crazy with all these ‘disorders’. You’re actually very normal.

Obviously I don’t know your exact situation but that is my take on it in general.

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We’re all crazy so you are in good company.



I found this lady the best in relation to mental health advice - if it is of interest to you.

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Thats my take on it too. Absolutely everyone has tendancies, thoughts that could be deemed crazy or defy any deemed normal conventions/beliefs. Anyone of us can go off the rails or go to a dark place. No one is impervious to that. Just living can be exceptionally difficult at times. Having a sense of purpose and being kind to yourself is key. From a social anxiety disorder pov - The sense of knowing that everyone has their own shit, worries, insecurities going on and realising that your own are not getting the same scrutiny or judgement from others as you may think is always something to bear in mind.


If People were kinder to each other it would help in my opinion.


That’s a start.

From my own experience there’ll be drugs and more counselling suggested. I know youre agin the drugs, rightly long-term in my opinion, but short term until you start making inroads with CBT it might not be a bad idea.

A nephew was put on brintellix (sic) and it’s completely transformed him. He’s flying it…

Best if luck with it.

Something like social anxiety disorder can be deep rooted from past trauma… And even stuff we wouldn’t necessarily class as trauma but to a young mind it might have had a very traumatic affect.

I was badly bullied in secondary school for a bit and i see on reflection how this stunted lot’s of areas of my life over the years - the mind is a fragile thing and the walls we build can be easy put in place but very hard removed.

It’s important to carry out introspection but then act on what you kinda come to realise. That’s what things like meditation are really but the acting on it is just as important.

A kind of freeze frame analysis of the mind if you like. cc @Halfpipe


I know. We should start with not banning posters from the current affairs category


Maybe the person doing the banning was being kind to poster being banned and he just doesn’t realise it.


It costs nothing to be kind to your fellow humans.

You probably know more about it than me tbf but It’s just amusing we’ve another poster willing to comment on mental health and the same fella makes deliberately horrible comments about a poster on here when he gets his knickers in a twist.

Live and let live is my policy and try and help people if you can.

I think you’re being kind to the person doing the banning. The sad reality is much less palatable

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Don’t forget he who pays the piper calls the tune.

Arra, i wouldn’t take much notice of this place. I’d wager 90% of posters are completely different in the real world. It’s only amusement and venting most of the time


I’m really a horse racing, man united, golf loving betting man.

This my take as well.

There is no normal.


I know…but we were talking about kindness, not petulance

Hes dragging pj and Limerick hurling into it again.

Is there a trophy for that ?

That’s really got right under your skin :joy::joy:

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