The depression thread

One more thing to worry about.

Best of luck @Batigol getting a diagnosis is a start.

Hopefully a few tweaks will help, or even knowing what it is might help.


It’s hard to quantify this level of feeble mindedness.

Best of luck @Batigol, good to get a diagnosis, nothing wrong with getting a few different opinions on treating it.


It’s no surprise it went totally over your head.

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Sure explain what you meant there so.

This is gonna be good.

It was just a bloody joke is all you madman :joy::joy::joy:

Sure it was feeble minded one.

I’m not sure what you mean but I’d say you definitely thought I wasn’t joking :joy:

That’s what I am on. Game changer.
@Batigol best wishes. It has taken a while but you have a diagnosis now. It could take time to accept that and deal with it. I couldn’t accept my crazy for quiet a while, for a number of reasons.
As @Kyle suggests CBT is good. Bear with it.


Good to hear you’re doing well kid. You’ve been flying it at the Ratoath

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I was lucky. Right people in the right places at the right time.

Edit: As a country we suck at MH.


A little brother of a friend of mine who id know since he was a baby got married recently…massive wedding, perfect day etc…he was sharing videos on insta of himself last night in a room in a mental health facility…we are all wired v tight


Might be a simple diagnosis here - “got married”.


Well of the two events described id be more surprised he got married if Im honest.


He’s sharing videos on Instagram of himself in a mental health facility?

That might be your problem.



Anyway - hope the lad gets what he needs.

Marriages and especially weddings are a recipe for mental breakdown. In the social media age they aren’t compatible with staying sane. Big weddings are like a porn show without the sex performed live. A sort of “Look At Our Perfect Lives” porn show.

It’s no wonder they’re falling out of fashion.

I haven’t a dickie bow what your on about here but any organised event from a wedding to a birthday to a christening is an absolutely insufferable event in my opinion.

I’ve weddings now in September and October and they’ll both disrupt other plans I have.

It’s a pity the government didn’t cap them at 20 for good.

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All of the following are psychologically similar in their attraction to porn. They’re on the same spectrum.

Online fitness and “well being”
The social media influencer and Instagram culture
Fashion and make up
Advertising in general
Property programmes including house renovation and re-decoration programmes

Big weddings are a form of conspicuous consumption. Conspicuous consumption is psychologically similar to the psychology of Instagram culture and social media influencing. It’s about flaunting - flaunting the idea of perfection. This idea of perfection is intrinsic to the psychology of porn and porn addiction.

But perfection is obviously an illusion. Big weddings turn the people at the centre of it into dancing monkeys. It’s role play. They feel they are expected to perform, to portray themselves in a certain way for everybody to see. Some people may be happy enough to do that, and may not have financial worries about doing so. They are in a small minority I would suggest. For the rest, it’s a recipe for feeling immense pressure, stress, worry, anger, unhappiness, cognitive dissonance, and the strong risk of some sort of mental episode.

An increasing amount of people understand this and are rejecting the whole concept.

The best idea for a wedding reception I ever heard was when Marian Finucane and John Clarke eventually got married in a registry office and they booked the upstairs of the Palace Bar of a Tuesday afternoon in January and had a hooley.

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