The depression thread

Youve hit the nail on the head really, a lot of people put themselves down a depression hole based on seeing other peoples perfect lives on social media. Too many people forget that its often just a photo, a snapshot in time that the other person has chosen to display everything is perfect in their life, while the other 99% is also a struggle. I dunno how to fix that tbh, i take that realisation myself and not compare my life to others. Social media is a blessing and a curse but as a society we still haven’t matured enough to deal with it appropriately

Weddings have become ridiculous. I’m the eldest of my family and there’s a substantial gap between me and my youngest sibling. I got married in 1998 and he married in 2022. The contrast couldn’t have been greater.

That said, Mrs. Kremmen is still as sound as a trout while he married a geebag who’ll break his melt.


Social media has created main character syndrome in many people.

They’ll eventually realise nobody really gives a shit about you for good or for bad and there is a great freedom once you realise that.



That polish bird down the front there was a fine bit o stuff, whatever happened to her?

You’d wonder did you get married at all :slightly_smiling_face:

Believe it or not, I was in the Palace the same night. They came down to the main bar when we were there. Didn’t realise it was their wedding at all.

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Please tell me Roy Curtis was there too. Best wedding reception ever.

I was there with my auld lad. It seemed to just be them and their family at that stage. Could have been around 11pm or later.

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A D’Arcy of cunts

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Who is the lad on the back right?
I recognise the face just can’t place him.

Who’s the one down the front in black who looks like she’s about to make a shite?

Looks like Jim White ex of Sky Sports

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Apparently this is the full list. I only recognised seven of them.

Rose Kelly, Kathleen Watkins, Helen Steele, Virginia Macari, Ruth Griffin, Emma English, John Delaney, Gerald Kean, Barry Egan, Rosanna Davison, Oliver Callan, Mark Cagney, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, Kaste Dahl, Tatiana Ouliankina, Lisa Murphy, Mary Murray, Niall O’Farrell and Mairead Farrell.


Did he use to own Black Tie place that rented out tuxedos to students and accountancy Muldoons?


I’d defer to @cowpat for a definitive judgement here.


no idea but they would shite out their mouths as opposed to their holes

Senior hurling.

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Niall has been touching cloth for a few years business wise.

Himself and the other dragons Gavin, Sean Gallagher and DJs wife turned out to be naked when the tide went out