The depression thread

The last day of the Olympics has left me feeling blue. I’m going to miss it. :cry:


Don’t lament that it is over my friend, rejoice that it happened


## Rapid Response:

### Olympics reduce suicide rates

McCartney et al report a systematic review of health and economic
benefits of hosting the Olympics, and report little convincing data to
support a health benefit. [1] However, previous work showed decreased
suicide rates before and during the hosting of the Olympics in Sydney in
2000, with an increase following the games. [2] Does this socio-economic
impact represent good value for money for the £150 a head investment [3]
for 2012?

The annual suicide rates and seasonal patterns in 2000 (for
Australia, New South Wales and Sydney) were compared to rates in the two
preceding summer Olympic years (1992 and 1996) as well as 1994 (a non-
Olympic year). The effect was strongest in Sydney but showed a ‘dose
response’ effect with some impact on regional and national rates.

The suicide rates in 2000 were significantly lower than both other
Olympic years and a control year in Sydney and New South Wales. In
Australia there was a significant change in the seasonal pattern of
suicides in 2000. These results contrast those of Shin and colleagues for
Seoul 1988 quoted in the paper. [4]

My hypothesis at the time of researching was that the combination of
a sense of national well-being and a city clean-up operation which removed
people from the streets, delayed suicides during the games. The study was
a retrospective cross-sectional one; therefore, no direct causality can be
attributed. However, it will be of great interest to see if London 2012
results in a similar magnitude benefit.

Several studies appear to show quite noticeable associations between hosting and performance at World Cups and suicide rates.

When France hosted (and won) the football World Cup in 1998, the suicide rate dropped by more than 10%, particularly among men aged between 30-44. On the day following each France game, the rate dropped even further.

Likewise, when New Zealand hosted and won the rugby World Cup in 2012, there were reports that the suicide rate there dropped to almost zero.

On the face of it, these are fascinating findings. How can sport have such a large effect on the population?

I’ve been asked to “have a think about” going into St Patrick’s for a few weeks.


By a medical professional or someone else? Worth getting a second opinion if the latter. Look after yourself. The evenings are getting a bit darker now so a drop in mood is probably to be expected. :heart:


To do what?

Look after yourself pal. Hopefully you’ve some idea what’s best for yourself.


Are you still working at that glass, steel and concrete ‘transport hub’?

It’ll be saner than this place.


Mind yourself take care

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My sister did a stint in there during the worst time of her life. We had to convince her it was worth it. 12 years later she tells everyone it saved her life. Nothing about it was easy for any of us, and obviously her. I wouldn’t rule it out if things have got that severe.


I barely know you and you’ve driven me to despair. God knows what it was like for your sister.


Eh, thanks

cc @Locke I think this is what happens when a selfish cunt tries to make it all about himself?


Cc. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy
Harsh but fair? What do you think…?

Fucking hell.


Great that your sister got solace. It’s not for everyone though - like everything it depends on the person. No harm giving it a go @Batigol

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At least Rory Gallagher won’t be the biggest cunt in Derry