The depression thread

Tough call but you’ve gotta trust the professional advice
Good luck, did you get any benefit from your social media exile that time

I’ve no clue but I’d imagine this and I’d imagine that. You’re some gobshite.

Also best of luck @Batigol. You’ve been through the wringer, it seems unlikely this could make it worse and it might help.

‘‘Have a think about’’ is better than being told to go. There’s more than one way of looking at things. From that approach it sounds like it’s beneficial.
Best wishes to you with it.

Cracking advice :clap:


Your own sister thinks you’re a wanker.
That’s how hated you are in this world.

Not the thread for it, you cunt

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Where have you been going up to now- a blacksmith?


Best wishes Batigol. I had a mate involuntarily committed in UCHG, which I know is vastly different to your scenario, but it was a huge benefit to him and he’s since made serious strides. Not that it should matter but the public opinion has gone from this kind of treatment carrying a stigma right through to almost everybody having experience of a friend or family hitting a brick wall because we have nowhere near enough quality mental health support services.

As an aside there’s no better summation of TFK than lads firing scud bombs at each other in a thread where somebody is weighing up a trip to Pats. I love ye cunts.


Best of luck @Batigol . I’m only down the road from you if you need anything

There’s zero wrong with questioning someone’s prognosis and if possible seeking a second opinion re treatment. It’s something everyone should do. Batigol has been battling this for a long time and my questions were out of concern for him . Professionals have told loved ones belonging to me that anti depressants were probably the best route to go only for a second opinion and they were able to work through their issues medication free. That’s not to say his clinician is wrong here, and it’s not exactly gonna do harm by going, but more that he understands whats ahead and if it is indeed the best course of action .

I think these are all fair questions.

Maybe i didn’t phrase them properly but it’s a huge thing to do and not to be taken lightly.

I have no problem with your comments here and you make some great points evidently drawn from personal experience.

I was only saying to him it’s not the thread to be hopping off each other

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There’s a real air of desperation off you these days.

Thanks :+1: hopefully i can get back to being amazing again.

You’ve always been a wanker tho so there’s little to no hope for you unfortunately.

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I’ve always had time for @Kyle and all the previous versions of same.

Although the latest incarnation seems to be a lot angrier than previous personas.


The clue is in his bio.

Parody :joy:

How was your walk? Did you eventually stop crying?