The depression thread

From experience if you are not sleeping soundly for any length of time it will affect you.
Concentration, focus and drive will certainly suffer. Sounds like you need a break for a few weeks. Look after yourself.


@Batigol , listen to the Undefeated Mind on audio books

I like my job lads. It’s everything else I’d quit if I could


Could you try getting off the front line?
I suspect strongly that you have a form of PTSD.

I don’t have PTSD lad.

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Where would he have gotten PTSD?

nam myoho renge kyo.


This too shall pass.


nam myoho renge kyo.


Yvan eht nioJ ?

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then focus on the positives for the interim and take as much enjoyment as you can from running the passort through those 3m machines :smiley:

and remember people are

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The stuff he’s had to deal with at the airport.


Depression is lying to you in your own voice. Just remember that.



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Anyone ever try L–Tyrosine? Was skeptical at first but i feel way more calmer lately.

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This was a bit of a disaster. Had to go and hide in the room at about 9pm and didn’t surface after that. Have to concoct some bullshit excuse now to explain my absence.

Didn’t sleep one wink last night


This feels like a lot bigger deal in your head. Most fellas locked and won’t know whether you left at 9 or 2am


Tell them you got a violent dose of scour anyway there won’t be any follow up questions

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Do you know that a lack of sleep seriously depletes testosterone?. Low testosterone in men can lead to depression among other things…i know it’s probably circular events here but have you tried dealing with your sleeping issues as a step first?


I think you said you’d been to the GP before about sleep but have you been about the anxiety you’re experiencing? Maybe go again? Obviously really affecting your quality of life. It’s impossible to function on no sleep. Nothing near what you’re experiencing but I can get eczsema explosions as a stress reaction sometimes, awake all night because of it, more stressed because of no sleep, vicious cycle. Lack of sleep makes everything worse. Mind yourself.

And this.

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