The depression thread

My father used to say, ‘Good times don’t last forever, but neither do bad times’. Depressions tend to be temporary in nature, so remember that eventually you’ll wake someday and the bugger will have left the building. I’m currently in a 3yr, without a pause, depression. I’ve been getting bouts since I was at least 13. I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 18mths ago, or manic depression as it was known by. Once you know what you have, it’s easier to treat. Depression can come from a life event, like a break-up, change in financial fortunes or after a loved one passes away. A reaction, if you will. However, some people experience depression without a triggering event, which opens up more avenues like that our brain isn’t able to produce naturally the chemicals which keeps us stable, or it can be a psychological symptom of a physical illness, like early onset of parkinsons etc. Then you have unresolved trauma, that we hadn’t the tools to process when the event occurred, rearing it’s head and indicating we should start working with that. Whatever the cause, a process of elimination is good. The first step is often meds, which only enable us to function in home and work, until we deal with the issue. Pills are often largely useless, without therapy. It’s like putting a sticky plaster on a bullet wound. Now, I had no idea who you approach for therapy. There’s counsellors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and more. I would always recommend a therapist and if the depression doesn’t shift as a result of talk therapy, scaffolded by the anti-depressants, a psychologist is probably recommended to investigate any underlying mental health diagnosis beyond the depression. If something is found, then a psychiatrist is recommended whose purpose is to treat a diagnosis more complex with medicine and specific therapy recommendations.
The laymen will suggest many solutions, ranging from nettle tea to ashtanga yoga, but reality can often be that all one can manage is to open the door to a food delivery driver. When the window comes with that tiny bit of more energy, walking in the forest can be a good start. It’s important that we eat, even if we’re not hungry as the brain needs all the help it can get to get back firing on all cylinders. I found that booking a coffee with a friend once a week forces me to shower and sit with someone shooting the breeze for an hour and a season ticket to a local football team does the same. It gets me to do things my depression rails against. Taking contrary action, if you will. Also, the key is to not chastise yourself for not being able to do the bare minimum and to celebrate little victories when they come up, like when you manage a shower, pretend the final whistle has gone in the all ireland final and your one of the men on the winning team.


Amazing post. Fair play.


Powerful stuff

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There’s a right idea for you @Cheasty, get a gaa club season ticket. Might do ya world of good.

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Fair play for putting that out there.

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Good man yourself

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For the record, that’s one of the greatest posts I’ve ever read anywhere, nevermind this forum. Fair play to you pal :ok_hand:t2:


Great post.


That’s such a heartfelt post and an incredible way of facing depression head on… Brilliant!!
Can I just say your opening quote reminded me of a saying an old chap said to me many years ago…. “ Just because a day starts out bad doesn’t mean it won’t end well”


Fair play @Alphakrul1

@Batigol & @Cheasty buds, hope that post gives you lads the inspiration to take the path that needs to be taken to feel happier & healthier.

You are two good lads.


Thanks @Alphakrul1 that’s an amazing insight


Fantastic stuff.

If I was a fish, this is what I’d look like.


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I’m back on this after a 20 year break, 5 grammes a day, its a total game changer, I feel like I’m 25


This is NOT advice but, I came off my meds and I feel great. Extra energy, extra strong, no need for sleep. I dunno, maybe I’m mad, and I’m definitely going against medical advice but I honestly feel unreal


Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN

Hope things go ok for you bud. Maybe the meds have helped and you are no longer reliant on them. Like taking paracetamol for pain or something, without simplifying it too much I hope.

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Probably the electric shocks. The novelty wears off after a few days.

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Keep an eye on yourslef mate. I’m sure you’re fine but not needing sleep is a strange one. Rest up, eat well don’t be overdoing it on work or hammering lefties on the internet

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The lefties are all wrong, they just need to see the light.

I never needed sleep, but I definitely don’t need it now