The depression thread

Great to here you’re doing well, mate.

Delighted you’re feeling well. Obviously highs come with lows so watch out for yourself. Although i know jackshit about anything. If you ever need a fella to hit the coachmans for a game of chess or something let me know.


They don’t work for everyone

You been on the rollercoaster long enough to know yourself when you’re dipping into the shadows. Mind yourself

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Great that you’re feeling better but don’t be under any illusions that you don’t need sleep.

Sleep is a fundamental requirement for a human to function. That’s why insomnia is such a cunt of a thing as you know, so keep an eye on yourself.

That’s an alarming statement, mind yourself chief

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Not intentionally trying to gaslight, but I’ll go anyway. One symptom that can be experienced when reducing dosage or stopping certain mental health meds is mania or hypomania. One of the most common tell-tale signs of mania or hypomania is ‘a decreased need for sleep’. Mania or hypomania is a symptom of something often requiring a look at. Not saying this is what you’re experiencing, but just something worth considering if the ‘feeling good’ is followed by a crash in the coming days or fortnight.


Yes that was something I’m worried about but it’s been 2 odd months now. Was physically quite sick for the first fortnight but just battled through it. Gym every day, lots of training etc

I don’t know, maybe I’ll need them again. My whole family is on them. But I just hated being dependent on them and I especially hated the physical effects they had on my body.

Re the sleep. I’ve been a chronic insomniac all my life, regardless of my mood. Seems to be independent of it. For the last two months I’m just not tired from it


Were you on the meds for long? Quit cold turkey?

About 2 years I’d say. And yes.

Any consultation with a doctor?

Be careful. I did the same thing before and was fine for a while but I completely caved after a stressful event.

Difficult to go back afterwards.


No. It wasn’t something I’d recommend but I just needed a change.

You know the craic yourself mate.

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This thread is gone quiet, I dunno if that’s good or bad. Mind yourself TFK comrades.

This video got me, I won’t lie.


Very sadly this proved to be true. He was a good person and he was liked and loved by a lot of people, and he made a difference to my life. He offered me friendship and I hope I offered him kindness and within a very short time I felt I’d known him all my life. Rest easy my friend.


Hope you are well yourself auld stock

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I’m alrightish. I’m back on medication for about the last month, different medication which I think is working a bit better than before. Come to think of it I haven’t yet had it today so I have to plonk it down on top of one can of lager and three glasses of wine. As I write I’ve done that.

I had a really bad period from the 18th to the 22nd of July. I spent those whole four days crying. I watched the hurling Up For the Match in the A&E on my phone, they didn’t even have it on on the telly. I went home straight after that without being seen as I’d been waiting since 1pm. I went in again the following Wednesday and I found out Sinead O’Connor had died while waiting for a psychiatrist who had left the room. I’m being assessed monthly and doing a class called Decider Skills weekly at the moment.

I inquired about John Of Gods to my GP back in July but my GP’s office said John Of Gods’ admissions work on a self referral basis and I haven’t rung them directly.

I scour the Iarnrod Eireann Twitter account for news about “tragic incidents”, I watch YouTube trainspotters’ videos to see the sort of speed trains pass certain stations at. I do want to be the person at the centre of such an incident but most of all I don’t.

I have a contact lens in my shit eye which helps a wee bit but it’s not the same at all. Before all this happened I used to sort of laugh at the notion of sick people in hospitals not being able to watch GAA matches on Sky. It matters, believe me.


No pain for him now, he is on to the next thing, all that good energy has to go somewhere.

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You are still above ground. Keep at it. Day at a time as they say


Hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. Went from being a bit sluggish and achy in the gym to being in the jacks crying and throwing up in the space of about 30 mins. I’ve now lay in bed for 16 hours straight without a wink of sleep with no motivation to get up whatsoever. I have plans tonight and tomorrow night that people have deliberately re-scheduled to suit me and I’d honestly rather have teeth pulled than go to them.