The depression thread

Keep fighting my oul epal.


What is the meds situation like mate?

I’m off them completely and won’t be going back on them

Fair enough.

Sending you my best @Batigol


This probably wont help, but ill give it a shot. My dog seems to be waging a personal shitwar against me. She’s not allowed upstairs but snuck up twice during the week (aided by the kids). She shat in our room both times. I went to bed early last night cos im sick but the little lady needed to send emails on my computer so she came in for help. I thought i heard the dog sneaking round but the daughter denied it. Suddenly herself and the youngfella start a bit of a fuss and shes trying to stop me getting out of bed. The little bitch snuck up and shat there again at the foot of the bed. The little lady tried to hide it by throwing a book over it, thereby squashing it into the carpet… all hell broke loose. Mrs J pissing herself laughing at the kids shouting at me not to be annoyed at the dog…and the dog just standing there eyeballing me… furious. I still took the dog for her 5k on the beach today though cos im sound and shes sound when she’s not shitting on my bedroom carpet. Or chewing up the kitchen.


You have carpet in a bedroom?

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I do mate.

It came with the extension.

One day at a time pal. You’ll get there.

For when there’s work in the bed.


If you can, go out and get some fresh air. As ghey as it sounds, i always find walking and listening to birds sing reconnects me and lifts my soul. Get some nature into you… Tho that probably sounds horrific to you at the moment.

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Is this a young dog?

To each their own.

If it’s a young dog you need to keep bringing it outside every couple of hours regardless until it gets the message… Reward good behaviour. If it’s an older dog then obviously there’s something up, psychologically that is.

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Chaaaccciiiiyye, come over here and lab it inta me boss.


The dog hates him.

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It must be a black dog if it’s poppin’ up in the depression thread.

Sorry to hear this. Don’t think there’s anything I can say to help but I’m rooting for you

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