The Dodger is in trouble

If it was a rugby player people would be baying for blood. Too right SLR, not enough questions have been asked here.

Rugby players are professionals you imbecile

DJ’s professional dealings are being discussed here.

All rugby players are professionals? Really?

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but you are undoubtedly a thoroughly despicable prick, and a low life lipsticked gossip, you are a semi state employee, and far from a banker, if, being the utter tramp you are, you want to start a book, column, gossip website etc about Sarah Newman and her lost millions, then do so, and take your chances.

But what you reallys want is to raise an april 28th thread in your “browsing of old topics” and link it to a man who has recently had serious medical issues,and as i said is an amateur, from who’s organisation you have tried to make your a reputation , you are nothing but a scurrlious good for nothing gossiping tramp

No, you thick kunt, they are not

Wow, no punches being pulled here :o

You said they were in a previous post. Can you please make up your mind.

Anyway, the point still stands, just because he was an ameture gaa player, as opposed to some other sports men, doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve to go to jail.

SLR mentioned Sarah Newmans business details, you ignorant pig, and even if “DJs” professional dealings were being discussed on here, then you should put your true prefessional name behind this, right?

Nice to see the GAA throwing Carey a few crumbs at the all star awards the other night, who says the old boys club is restricted to the rugby.

My favorite Carey sort is still the one where he left the keys in his BMW getting petrol and a pikey jumped into it. Didn’t his sister clean him out also?
The thing about DJ was he seems to have left the keys of everything he owned in the ignition and someone fucked off with it.

I’d be interested in the breakdown of Newman’s 50 mil also slr. I believe she lobbed a decent ball of it into a chalet in the alps. She is a woeful cunt in fairness.

Why are the Limerick “GAA” lads so obsessed with the rugby comparisons on this thread?
Why wouldnt the GAA honour DJ Carey? He is a living legend?

SLR is undounbtedly the man to lead the Sarah Newnam millions investigation, He’d do a great job on filtering the evidence/gossip/feedback/vitriole/commentary/opinion and taking responsibility

Go to bed, mate.


Is he still bunking in the k club?

Try argue, or engage, you stupid prick

What thinks SS?

Why? He is guilty of fraud and deserves to be put in jail. Not much to argue about. People like him have ruined this country.

He is not guilty of fraud, you thick ignorant limerick kunt, lets open a argument on your IQ,i’ll open with a first guess


[quote=“Kid Chocolate, post: 562142”]
He is not guilty of fraud, you thick ignorant limerick kunt, lets open a argument on your IQ,i’ll open with a first guess


I don’t see why where I come from has anything to do with anything. Try and put across a proper argument without personal abuse please.

Next you’ll be saying Sean Quinn is a freedom fighter.