The Dodger is in trouble


I hope for your sake it’s merely a case of you getting a couple of cans of Guinness on a Saturday night, sitting back for a couple of hours and “becoming” “Kid Chocolate”.

I have no wish to meet you in person in real life, by the way.

Maybe i wasnt clear, i couldnt give a fcuk way you think, or “wish” for ?, but you still dodged the nub of the issue, which is that you claimed, under your anonymous name, that your were “personally abused” ?

The only person who is being personally abused here are DJ Carey and his ex wife, and you have made yourself look incredibly stupid and perhaps even emotionally unbalanced as to have interpreted my correctional thought on this issue personally ???

GGA players get paid by the state you imbecile

No they dont, you utter gowl

Are you gone back into hiding?

You’re replying to yourself now?

You clearly could, or, should I say, you clearly do.

Are you a complete an utter fcukwit? you are obviously playing to your little internet gallery, othewise you wouldnt have taken my slapping you back into line so personally…we left it where mammy was wiping your arse …now fcuk off

they do mate- they also get under the table payments- cushy jobs and loads of others benefits

they are up there to be shot at and if this dj areshole behaves inappropriately we should be all over him

To that I can only respond in the shallowest language I have learned in my internet bubble.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

well played Sid

harsh- ring was a confirmed simpleton

Kid Choc is stage 5 rattled here.

The guy is in total meltdown. Hopefully the extra hour in bed will help sort his head out.

Sidney forgetting the golden rule that Hurling Men stick together.

He was acting very strange that night he was in Locks as well.

I knew dunguib being ruled out for the season would get to kc eventually

anyone care to explain this wisecrack?

[quote=“The All Seeing Eye, post: 562182”]

anyone care to explain this wisecrack?[/quote]

why does a clare man give two fucks about a kk ex hurler who has hit on hard times.

I tell you one thing DJ wouldnt give half a fuck if the shoe was one the other foot.

His taste in women says alot.