The Electric Vehicle Thread

You need to have your solar registered with ESB I think before you’ll get paid. Your installer does it I think, or at least as to send in some forms.

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The NC6 Form must be filled out and registered with ESB Networks.

I would recommend doing it yourself, as in not relying on your installer to submit it correctly.


They are but my understanding is if you don’t have a smart meter they can’t measure they pay you an assumed level of export (deemed export) . This has worked out well for lots of people…but iv 16 panels south facing and no battery so likely to export above average…I do have a smart meter already just no smart meter plan

Who do you mean

Couldn’t justify the battery cost? The maths don’t look great on the battery if youre getting 21c for everything you dont use within the house.


Why didn’t you get a battery??

I’m asking the fucking questions.


No matter what way I looked at it the payback for the battery was twice the rest of the system…every supplier I got a quote from told me the same that I didn’t need it or they couldn’t justify it

Just too expensive now that you can sell back excess to grid

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Sorry boss

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Thinking the same here. That upload rate seems to fluctuate regularly but always seems to float around 20c per kWh. We both work from home 80% of the time too so there would be a decent base load during the day… You have to use it as its being generated.

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In my simple head the fact that you get 50% value on export vs import means the payback on the battery has doubled


Who did the installation for you, if you don’t mind me asking?

Ashgrove renewables

Relatively local and were keenly priced

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First full day connected…


I reckon any day the feed in is more than double the power purchased you have had a free energy day

How many panels have you?
Have you the spec of them…

16 panels
430 jinkos

Ehats the output rating?

I don’t know what you mean