The Electric Vehicle Thread

Wonder why you and the @MountLeinster lot hate EVs

Where does it say I hate EVs? I never said I hate EVs.

Ah the master of English opens his gob again.

If one were to buy an electric vehicle to import, what would anyone suggest?
Would it be best to get a chape second hand one until the Toyota becomes available in about 3 or 4 years?
PS I’d prefer a full ev not a hybrid, and I don’t like Teslas.

Buy a new EV. Prices are falling and a VW for example will always be saleable down.

:information_source: Do not buy a used vehicle without manufacturers warranty.

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Was wondering what to buy though. There’s thousands available. Also, if it was bought new, is there some kind of VAT reclaim? I couldn’t understand it.sorry, that was rude, I should have said thankyou.

If you’re thinking of importing from the mainland to EIRE forget about it. VRT, Customs and VAT payable.

If you’re moving to EIRE proper you’ll get an exemption if you’ve own the car for 6 months. If you’re doing that buy the most expensive car you can get your hands on and sell it on in EIRE in 12 months (or however long you need to do avoid clawback of relief). You’ll still clear a profit.

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My friend may be doing the latter.

1 Like is a good site that you can filter prices, range type etc to see. Price can be a bit off when you factor in different battery sizes but as good as place as any to start

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How is this working out now Gil?

Not so bad considering the weather… I installed sept 1st approx and I have generated my first full MW there last week

This is from today essentially I produced 40% of what I used …and sold back 5kw (about 1.25 euro worth )

This is the detail since I installed


Would you be selling back 1.25 a day?

Not every day at this time of year but I got 65 euro for the first 30 days I had it for sept so over 2 euro a day…I’m sure you’d be up to a fiver in may/June/July when you have the long days

That’s a fair whack off the bill in fairness

I was pleasantly surprised alright

Subject to income tax btw.

Did you consjder a battery?

The income tax is an interesting one. The government doubled the tax free allowance in the budget from 200€ to 400€. The shrewdies amongst us just added the missus name to the bill and doubled the tax free allowance to 800€. Energia for some reason don’t have any provision for having 2 people named on the bill which I noticed when switching recently due to their generous 8c per unit charge for 6hrs in the middle of the night. But if a faff to get 2 people named on the bill after signing up but just in case these panels I installed start generating that kinda output in our glorious summer days I thought better be safe than sorry. Energia also appear to be the leaders in FIT rate, paying 24c a unit for anything exported to the grid, paid bi monthly.
I paired the system I installed with a Zappi smart charger that will only use the power generated by the PV panels to charge herselfs car


Is there not a case to take a deduction for cost of PV system against the income in this case?

Eamon eamon eamon

Threshold is doubled so allowed 800 a year now I think (with both names on elec bill)

I did but I don’t think the case is there for the battery as long as you can sell back at this price

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