The Electric Vehicle Thread

Itā€™s a minefield even with New Carsā€¦.

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Now anybody who knows anything about the polar regions will know that you couldnā€™t cross the glacier fields in a bulldozer not to mind an electric car with rubber tyres.

If anybody hears about a documentary on this Iā€™d be interested in watching this just to see how they actually got the car to the poles.

Probably in a solar powered helicopter.

Further reading tells me they had diesel powered support vehicles and a diesel generator for when things got ā€˜toughā€™.

They must have more money than sense.

I donā€™t think you can drive through Central America either, but Iā€™m open to correction on that.

Yea, still no roads through the Darien Gap.
So they couldnā€™t have driven that either.

The far right hate EVs

There really should be a minimum IQ level required to use the internet.

Speaking of which here comes forum simpleton @MountLeinster nowā€¦ā€¦


Itā€™s a serious crown that but heā€™s making a serious play for it


@MountLeinster and the tfk awkard squad are led by these dunces


I knew heā€™d be on. :grin::grin:

So easy .

You knew the person who made the original post would be on?


I suppose the Toronto Sun is a far right newspaper now , is it?

Anyone with thoughts on the article itself?

Youā€™re asleep dear boy.

Missed the bonfire and all.

I donā€™t go a day without reading the Toronto Sun

Scant on the details to how the owner damaged the car.

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Yes. It was the exact same as when @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy posted it before you. Not sure why you felt the need to repost it so soon? Like some sort of visual tourettes.
Unless it was a subtle admission that you literally add nothing?


Would they be a bit lower to the ground

Iā€™m thinking of getting an electric car but itā€™ll have to be a Tesla or else i risk losing my far-right, awkward squad street cred


I post what I want.

Just get a bumper sticker pal