The Electric Vehicle Thread

So what happens if she runs out of battery?

With a petrol/diesel you can at lease walk and get a can full.
Genuine question. Costs involved?

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Why would farming vehicles need a 400k range?
Farmers could use red electricity.

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Ah lovely

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They need power

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Iā€™m still in a diesel. I just canā€™t afford to change. My mileage has significantly gone down in recent years and itā€™ll be last diesel I own.



Big difference in car weighting 3 tonne driving to Cork v 7 tonne Tractor producing 240hp running for 8hrs.
It wonā€™t happen.

Hydrogen will eventually replace standard diesel Iā€™d imagine.
Electric a role play in Tillage where solar powered units can do jobs such as weeding etc.

But for heavier work involving PTO or heavy draft work you can forget about it as an option.

Same goes for Hauliers.

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Jaysus, yerman posting on Twitter like heā€™s an investigative journalist blowing the industry-wide fraud wide-open. When the reality is heā€™s a complete numpty who is slowly realising the reality of what heā€™s bought. If he did an iota of research heā€™d know what heā€™s experiencing isnā€™t anything like advertising shenanigans. Just him falling squarely into the David McWilliams style ā€œElectric Eddieā€ persona I defined here a few months back.

Simple solution mate, drive a little slower.


They are scum

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Hey thought you went up the chimney with Santy! How are ya bud?

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Very good mate. In thomastown atm, lovely part of the world, although the queue in kilcullen for tje ev charger was annoying


Did you marry a Thomastown woman?

My hero doing your bit :blush:

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I did not

Would you ever fuck off, if we all went electric tomorrow the grid would fall assunder.


Itā€™s barely hanging together as it is

The luddites are in


ok mate, would you please turn off your washing machine whilst i charge my car please? Iā€™ll only be a few hours, text you when done xx


The luddites are circling their kitchen islands in their one off houses I see.

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We both have depreciating assets sitting in the driveway, some depreciating faster then others thoughā€¦

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