The Electric Vehicle Thread

Battery recycling is the next big industry. My car will be powering my powering my home when Iā€™m done driving it.

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Where will you put the battery? Beside the fridge?

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In the utility beside the existing battery pack, where else?

On the grid loading - can I just challenge that one while Iā€™m here?

Average distance per car per year in Ireland is about 13,500km. A decent EV will use (on average over the course of a year) 160 wh per km. The average car will there use 2,160 kWh over the year or roughly 41.5 kWh per week. Weā€™re using about 250 kWh per week in our house - a 16.6% increase in energy requirement is hardly grid shattering. Especially when most of that charging can be done at night when demand is at its lowest.

Now back to the Arsenal.


How about when your towing a trailer of turf or a lock of lambs to the mart? Now the nearest bog is 2km away but the bank is about 300 yards in the road. Nearest sheep mart is 11km on a Wednesday and 15km on a Saturday but thats more uphill.

What are you asking idiotic questions?

EVā€™s were never aimed at the consumer doing what you outline above.

Having the craic lad relax ta fuck

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The mouth breathers are getting irate

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Howā€™d that fair out for you, mate?


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Very shortly thereā€™ll be new mainstream battery chemistries that will make us Lithium ion drivers look like awful gobshites. Such is life. I have a combined 300,000 km driven on Li ion over the past 9 years. Hard to quantify how much money Iā€™ve saved over petrol/diesel, but close to or north of ā‚¬30k. Economically sound investments. I drive conservatively, as I did on petrol/dieselā€¦ultimately Iā€™m a tight bastard, my primary motivation to switching to EV.

My ID4 might be unsellable in a few years, but fingers crossed Iā€™m still getting decent range, and still working off my Nickle/Lithium debt to the environment, while newer cars use cleaner sodium/aluminium/graphene/whatever.


Are you getting free electricity?

This is some charade


Free to who.

Cos itā€™s not the environment man.

Nothing comes close

Take it to the ICE thread

:rofl: I wish, where do I sign up

Most of that 300k was pre Covid when electricity prices were cheaper. Only really charged on night rate. Say average of 15 c per kWhr, 16 kWhr per 100 km adds up to ā‚¬7,200.

6.5 l/100 km (for my previous 1.6 l petrol) at ā‚¬1.70 (guessing thatā€™s about right) per litre adds up to ā‚¬33,150

So not quite ā‚¬30k difference over 8 years. And Iā€™m assuming Iā€™d have kept the 1.6 l petrol, but in reality might have bought a more efficient ICE instead of an EV. And it doesnā€™t include a rare trip to public charger.

But I probably would have drove more aggressively than 6.5 l/km in petrol car. And average night rate was probably less than 15 c for that period.

So maybe ā‚¬26k savings over 8 years.


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VW ID 4 biggest selling EV in Ireland in 2023. The country is booming.

Iā€™d say the percentage on PCP is 70+

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Iā€™ve noticed this. The cars are almost back to tiger levels.