The Electric Vehicle Thread

The number of Porsches around Dublin the last year or so is very 2007. You donā€™t see a Bentley too often these days though.

How many of those evā€™s were purchased by private individuals, any stats.

whats the right wing racist conspiracy your lot are going for here mate?

As opposed to public individuals. Ya know, influencers and people flat out on Instagram


I believe thereā€™s good incentives for companies to switch their fleets to evā€™s, so Iā€™m curious as to what the breakdown of purchaserā€™s may be. Also would state bodies be buying them.

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aney stokes?

Iā€™ve no idea who he is, just some English chap caught short in the motorway.

There was an ad on the radio yesterday for a new venture to enable people to invest in property. It brought me right back.

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Unforeseen circumstance.

Something doesnā€™t add up with me man quoted tho. He was there 3 hours Sunday and again today. If heā€™d enough juice to get home, why didnā€™t he charge at home? Why the need to go back to charging station?

Iā€™m hearing huge fall off in range in cold weather in recent days.

Do EVs need global warming to be viable ?


Itā€™s not global warming anymore, itā€™s CLIMATE CHANGE

The range is seriously compromised in cold weather for sure. But I have a 15km trip into the office and the range I started on was the same when I finished as I was in steady traffic (kinetic recharging etc). Make of that as you will.

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climate change mate

btw, im hearing this about ICE cars, can you confirm if its true?

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I assume you cycled in 15km

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Very much thinking of investing in an electric bike so I can carry the kids to school, then head over to the office. Have done the push bike/commuter train a few times, but tis too cold these days.

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e-bikes rock

Death traps.