The Electric Vehicle Thread

I had a go off one on Saturday. They’re heavy and this particular bike had 2 (two) child seats on it, but it really goes fast for sure.

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The nephew’s Tesla (his pride and joy) went dead a couple of weeks ago.
He had to send it to Dublin for repair.
No word back yet.
It’s not looking good…

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the exertion a push bike will surely warm you up

No proper dealer network means you’d be mad to buy one. Is it just the one place that can repair them in Ireland.


I don’t know if he had to pay for the tow truck. Definitely stone mad if he had to.

A sister of mine has become a climate saviour over the last couple of years, raised on a dairy farm, now spends as much time as possible admonishing everyone she sees eating meat and wearing the ears off anyone that’ll listen to how the Irish Cows are destroying the planet.

Anyway, didn’t she order a new Tesla for herself in the middle of last year, telling all and sundry about the seamless online purchasing process. About a month later she gets the email from Musk advising her the new Tesla is ready for collection with the location of the pick up point included. Off she sets with the husband to collect the climate saving new whip.
She arrives to Baldonnell and tells me man at the hut she’s here to collect her new Tesla. Me man reaches for a biscuit tin full of car keys, rummages around for a few mins before tossing her a set of keys and points into the distance advising her that the new machine is up there somewhere in the middle of a couple of thousand other cars. Not impressed with the hand over experience so far, she was less than impressed when she found the car still covered in the delivery plastic and wasn’t even washed and worse still not charged.
Some poor misfortune in a high vis happened to be passing by at the time and he got the brunt of it but was good enough to point the sister in the direction of the onsite EV chargers. Over she pulls to the “bank” of onsite EV chargers that were being powered by the onsite diesel generators which were at the time putting out as much black smoke as a coal fired power plant.
Once enough diesel had been consumed to give her about 100kms of battery range she decided to vent her growing frustration about the car not being washed, to me man with the biscuit tin at the hut, who had the instant remedy…a 9€ car wash voucher for Circle K.

The Tesla lasted about 8 weeks before being loaded up on a low loaded (wouldn’t open) and has never been seen again.


I’d be thinking about frost on the road and slipping. I was walking to the office this morning after plugging the EV into a charger and saw a chap on a road bike heading into his work - he looked frozen and miserable. Fuck that.


Fair point sport.

People on bikes generally are miserable cunts guys.

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you love to see it.

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Neck and neck so far. Enough reasonable doubt you’d feel.

Anyone stupid enough to buy an EV deserves everything they get. Stick to the tried and trusted ICE cars folks.

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Just park it in your garage seems to be the main advise :smiley:

Those Norwegians were always very practical

A lot of look over there ICE cars have issues in the cold too, oh and just leave your car plugged in all the time you’re not driving it, park in a garage and wear ski clothing when driving to help with the range.

Sounds miserable and incredibly inconvenient


For the three cold days a year.