The Emergency Budget

i think your right

Just deisel i think. 25cent on fags…not as bad as i thought it would be.

im nearly sure he said 25%

If they put that to 8% and then next year come in with 48% high tax and a high prsi then there will be people leaving the country.
You can’t tax your way out of a recession.

Lenny is starting to waffle now.
this is a classic example of the shit sambo.
Start out with lovely talk, then a load of shit and then finish with plenty of positives.
Sadly for him, I’ve already eaten.
Depending on tax raises next year and jobs abroad it might be worth while moving for a few years.
Yours etc,

Did the same in the last budget. Its 25 cent.

from rte:
The prices of cigarettes will rise by 25 cent and diesel goes up five cent a litre. The increases are VAT inclusive.

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Why?
Depending on tax raises next year and jobs abroad it might be worth while moving for a few years.
Yours etc,

Are interpol recruiting?

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Why?
If they put that to 8% and then next year come in with 48% high tax and a high prsi then there will be people leaving the country.
You can’t tax your way out of a recession.

Lenny is starting to waffle now.
this is a classic example of the shit sambo.
Start out with lovely talk, then a load of shit and then finish with plenty of positives.
Sadly for him, I’ve already eaten.
Depending on tax raises next year and jobs abroad it might be worth while moving for a few years.
Yours etc,

Those earning over 100k are unlikely to leave the country I would have thought. Fairer distribution of wealth. Those earning the most should be hit hard. Might not be able to tax your way out of it but it’s hard to cut spendimg much more. What they have done to education etc has been real poor. Rather the super rich paid for it than those who have been hit hardest over last while.

Being honest with myself adn the rizen Jesus I was never as happy as having no money and catching trout in Quin river.
Money is the root of all evil.
That and drugs and Thai prozzies.

I jsut wish I had put 50grand on Kuato Star.

Yours etc,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Why?
If they put that to 8% and then next year come in with 48% high tax and a high prsi then there will be people leaving the country.
You can’t tax your way out of a recession.

Lenny is starting to waffle now.
this is a classic example of the shit sambo.
Start out with lovely talk, then a load of shit and then finish with plenty of positives.
Sadly for him, I’ve already eaten.
Depending on tax raises next year and jobs abroad it might be worth while moving for a few years.
Yours etc,

I spent 3 months looking at jobs abroad before Xmas GSH. There’s not a lot out there unless you’re on the ground in the country. To quote a company in Canada - “we want to hire people who know the times of the metro and won’t have to spend 6 months deciding whether they want to stay or not”

RIchard Bruton really does come across very well. How he is John’s brother is beyond me.

He’s carrying Fine Gael along with him. Not as if anything he’ll say will happen.

Great point though that we’re the only country trying to tax ourselves out of the recession.

he is way better than that cabbage head kenny

16:25: The Government plans to set up an asset management agency to take bad loans off the banks’ balance sheets.

Is this like a Toxic Bank?

He’s not much more than a Tory boy really though.

[quote=“The Runt”]16:25: The Government plans to set up an asset management agency to take bad loans off the banks’ balance sheets.

Is this like a Toxic Bank?[/quote]

Yep, Richard Bruton is tearing him a new one now over it.

Where you listening/watching it mac?

Just remember when Bruton says ‘protecting employment’ he means ‘protecting business profit’. Don’t forget it was his brother who wanted to put tax on children’s shoes.

You got that right…