The Emergency Budget


Looking at the Dil - half the FF party upped an left long before Bruton had finished. Great respect shown by the cunts. Joan Burton on now. She has a fair annoying voice.

Well who is going to pull Ireland out of the hole it’s in, the public sector?

It’s a question of emphasis.

So anyone want to do the sums and figure out how much less we’re all going to be earning?

It’s statements like this that ensures Mac keeps his alrightsortedness!


The govt harped on about spreading the tax burden to ensure that everyone took their share of the pain.

So, those earning a piddling €17K per annum now have to pay an extra €350, whereas those who are wealthy enough to be tax exiles have not even been slightly discommoded. The conditions for tax exile status remain unaltered by today’s budget - they can still avail of a very generous 183 days within the state, without paying a cent of tax to the Irish state. By comparison, in order to be a tax exile from the USA, you have to leave the States and permanently renounce your US citizenship.

Not very fair is it? And you can be sure that the some of the likes of the Sean Fitzpatricks and Michael Fingletons banking fat cats that got us into this mess will be availing of this tax exile status. But of course, have any FF govt been any different? They have always put their cronies first before the country - including the original deal to bail out Anglo Irish - and anyone who thinks otherwise at this stage is an utterly deluded idiot beyond help.

How long before FF and their cronies start laughing in our faces and we hear again of some FF politician(s) availing of a free holiday at some tax exile’s villa? Cowen and Lenihan emphasised that the budget would be tough to everyone, but fair. Clearly it isn’t. Time for some French-style social unrest, because there’s no proper justice unless its angry mob justice.

The government are taking in c. 30 billion at the minute but spending 50 billion. The blantantly obvious thing to do is cut expenditure. 60% of all expenditure goes in social welfare and public service wages, yet these weren’t really touched. I took a 10% pay cut this week, was told holidays are being cut back to the legal minimum and the company wouldn’t be topping up the pension scheme anymore. But what can you do? its obvious the company was under pressure, cutting back on expenses was only option. Its about time the government did the same and took on the public service unions and enforced pay cuts. We simply cant afford it anymore, plain and simple.

Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.

That’s home owner tax!

As a public sector worker my take home pay is down well over 10% on last year. There is also zero chance that anyone can get promoted in school I work in and conditions we work on are abysmal with overcrowded classrooms in temporary accommodation. This isn’t about public versus private like FF have set up the debate. It is about fairness and what they have done clearly isn’t fair in anyway.

I suppose the essential difference padjo, is that the country isn’t a company. And as such, it can’t be run like one. The company only has its profit to be concerned with where the country has a more complex picture to confront.

as a private sector worker im down around 22% since October, although im just hoping i can hold onto my job. If it lasts the rest of the year it will be a miracle.

but as you say its not about public v private sectors

[quote=“HBV*”]as a private sector worker im down around 22% since October, although im just hoping i can hold onto my job. If it lasts the rest of the year it will be a miracle.

but as you say its not about public v private sectors[/quote]

At the same time though I could list off some of private sector in friends/family who have had no pay cut. What FF want people to talk about though is public v private as it deflects attention from their gross ineptitude and corruption.

i dont really agree, complexities are no excuse or no reason why the state should go under because it is heavily over staffed.

in fairness to FG and i despise the fuckers, they proposed 15000 public service redundancies. they didnt flesh it out though, pity.

they are lucky, in my circle they would be in the minority.

No action to take a few quid off the horse racing and greyhound industries I suppose?

Don’t get me started, all my family are teachers and are currently enjoying there two weeks off and me the poor bugger has to work good friday. But sure thats the way the cookie crumbles I suppose

Still calling a 7/10% payment into a fantastic pension a paycut is slightly disingenous Larry. I 100% fund my pension and its currently worth less than what I’ve paid in:(.

Not having a go at public sector employees or teachers specifically but its time everyone realised we are in the shite and pay cuts might just be necessary.

Its not about making a profit lads but trying to keep our head above the water line. Countries just like companies can go bankrupt.

[quote=“padjo”]Don’t get me started, all my family are teachers and are currently enjoying there two weeks off and me the poor bugger has to work good friday. But sure thats the way the cookie crumbles I suppose

Still calling a 7/10% payment into a fantastic pension a paycut is slightly disingenous Larry. I 100% fund my pension and its currently worth less than what I’ve paid in:(.

Not having a go at public sector employees or teachers specifically but its time everyone realised we are in the shite and pay cuts might just be necessary.

Its not about making a profit lads but trying to keep our head above the water line. Countries just like companies can go bankrupt.[/quote]

Pension levy is a paycut in affect padjo. One of the appeals of teaching is the pension and to slap a levy on it is virtually same as a paycut. Not saying we shouldn’t contribute but would rather the government had been up front about it and cut our pay rather than this.

I have ya now ya cunt ya! :wink: