The Galway Criticism Thread

Is the City of Culture craic still actually going ahead? Been a good while since the last headline about the latest calamity that the whole project had run into.

I actually quite like Galway City for a weekend away or whatever, but that’s hilarious. 4th in the World :smile:
No Berlin, Prague, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome, Barcelona, Lisbon, Budapest etc etc etc but fucking Galway makes the list :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s a bit much alright – Galway is fine - but it’s 1 street.

Yep, and half of that is crap shops.

Great buzz tho for the casual visitor.

I like a cream cake in Griffins and a pint in Freeny’s or Tig Coili and a boogie in the Blue Note finished with a pizza from Monroes at 3am - as much as the next guy … but 4th in the world ?

Griffin’s just closed iirc.
Here’s the thing, in galway city there is fcuk all to do if you’re not drinking, and you could do an approximation of the above in didsbury village, which is a fcuking kip into which you’d only go for a haircut or to meet someone.

It closed ? Ah no??

And you’re correct — it’s either drinking or nothing really. I spent 4 months up there and got sick of the drinking quick time — I decided to go on a historic tour of the place one day - my own tour — started at 12pm - I was drinking by 12.40pm.


There’s far more to limerick.
I’d love to go on a walking tour of limerick with you sometime. I’ll buy the food and drink when we get that far.
The pubs in limerick city are nicer also.

It’s a date, bro.

There’s a great buzz in Galway tho that you dont get in Limerick — they have the seaside and the festivals lined up one after another so that it’s always buzzing — the cunts in limerick are too out for themselves and i’m surprised Riverfest is still going - which is a half arsed attempt — there’s so much Limerick could be doing but it will never happen… you can say whatever you want about Galway, but they get the job done.

Whered you go?

There isn’t much to do in any irish city or anywhere, bar drink. I presume this ranking is based on the capital of culture money spinner

One street, a shit square, a shitter arch and 84 traffic jams.

Ah as @Julio_Geordio says, it’s a great place for a weekend. Which is what Lonely Planet are targeting with this tbf.

Galway is nice but the actual city centre is tiny. In terms of a city centre it isn’t much bigger than Kilkenny

Fucked if I remember — there’s actually a good bit of medieval architecture in around Galway — off Shop street too — you wouldnt notice half of it until you go looking.

Think I ended up drinking Bucky down the arch and held court in some establishment that doubles up as a cafe / wine bar - they couldnt get me out of there fast enough.

There was this big thing a year ago about how the Saatchi & Saatchi agency were going to work on this big branding project to get Limerick going. I presume they just gave up in the end. At least we’ll always have Riverfest.


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Galway city is up there with kerry for the feeling that there is a collective movement that wants to take every cent off you while you’re there*…

*dublin is a given and doesn’t try to hide the fact.

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I went to limerick one day for the culture tour, parked in arthers quay at 12:15 i was in henry street reporting my car being broken into, by 12:45 i was in Barringtons after being syringed by a girl named pocahantas shanahan who wanted my phone and wallet. I felt i garnered a good appreciation of local customs and was happy with my day.


You should have gone on Mouse Tours - Far more educational and you could have left the car wide open and it wouldnt have been touched.

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And you made the right call going to Barringtons - they only do boob jobs in there now so they are well used to dealing with tits.

Dont believe him, he’d have Dirty Mike and the boyz in there in a heartbeat putting some D’s in some A’s