The GGA has failed with Hurling and has lied about nationalism

By supporting their traditions and culture, under duress and intimidation by Unionists. It would have been far easier to abandon the games in NI, and hide under their beds like ROI politicians and despicable west Brit cunts like @Matty_Hislop.

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You didnt need to add in Fermanagh

They abandoned hurtling

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Werenā€™t you born and raised in the US? and youā€™re the expert on matters Irish :rofl:
Youā€™re a Unionist Tim, I understand that and itā€™s easier for you to connect to the Orange order than the GAA.

Hurling is played in all 32 counties mate.

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Iā€™m a member of a GGA club, you demonstrate your love of the island and culture by living in California :smile:

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Yes as a former GAA man in Derry from 79/80 to 92 I concur, without the GAA most nationalist ppl were left adrift by those in the free state ,even during the 81 hunger strike,a time of great upheaval and discrimination against the nationalist ppl,so really some of the plastic paddies on here should shut the fcuk up, with their revionist ,nice type of the history they would like to be spouted


They should hang their heads in shame. Whinging about apartheid in South Africa and the plight of the Palestinians, and the same thing going on on their doorstep. Cowards.

No I was born there and live there on and off.

I keep up to date with writings on history.

The reality is that from the 1920s on the GGA claimed an affiliation with 1916 and so on that did not exist.

Certainly lots of members were involved, but as an organization the GGA revised their role. Modern historians have looked at this, looking at the myth making, distortions and more nuanced balance of members being involved in the British Army as well.

You grew up in an Ireland where these myths were still pushed. The height of this was in that historianā€™s article posted above on the half century. The Irish Times were still peddling the myth on Hill 16 in 2003 for God sake.

Read the book lads. Thereā€™s always been tension in the GAA between those who viewed it as part of a political movement and those that viewed it as a cultural and sporting one. Thereā€™s a subtle difference between the two. Itā€™s a great book and as that article says most of the GAA talking points today are the same as back in 1887. Cusack was some head the ball. Tipp havenā€™t changed one iota and hurling is still the greatest game on earth.

Being honest Iā€™d be more than surprised if that crap was allowed in Ulster GAA,we were under severe threat whilst traveling to and from matches at times ( greysteel etc etc) but never let sectarianism take hold,and lots of our members were ex prisoners ( some future),yes we detested the Brits, RUC , UDR,not because of what church they attended,but for representing a foreign oppressor,never once did I hear anyone criticized for being of a different faith

The GGA are a huge part of the sectarian problem up there. Young nationalists should play rugby or football instead.

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Got that wrong buddy,never came across it,and ref rugby who wants to listen to Irelandā€™s call FFS,talk about embarrassing wishy washy song

Has the gga failed hurling then?

FFS he was a cop , PSNI/ RUC,what do u expect to happen to him,that cos he wore a GA jersey that heā€™d be protected, thatā€™s what happens buddy,ref Joe brolly,if u knew his family background before the ceasefire/gfa youā€™d have a different opinion

Ernie Oā€™Malley;

ā€œwho belonged to the Gaelic League or who played Gaelic football and hurling ā€¦ [who were] very contemptuous of rugby and golf, and soccer. They spoke of the English with inherited contempt, attended public meetings in the streets, approved of physical force in talk, but made no attempt to join the Volunteers.ā€

Ernie was incorrect, plenty did join, but he was there. The myth makers on the GGA being integral to it all are just ignorant of facts, the word revisionist can be thrown out as much as you like.

It has in some respects yes.

Has the FAI failed Irish football, given how shit Ireland are at it?


What do you suggest could be done to improve the quality of hurling in weaker counties?