The Glastonbury Thread

My hearing is going guys :frowning:

I really enjoyed Maybe I’m Amazed there. Great tune. He was some man to write a tune to be fair.

He’s taking the piss now. The promoter must have told him it’s time to send people to bed.


In fairness, it always comes across as shite on tv. I can never enjoy it on TV… You gotta be there,man.

Has he played the old stuff yet?

This is scheduled for 2 hours. He’ll be carried off stage in a box at this rate.

G’nite lads

He’s started now. I don’t like his early stuff.

A bit of Love Me Do now mate.

Decent set so far. That show at RDS was much better though @Fagan_ODowd .

The anecdotes and embarrassing Dad at a wedding stuff should probably be dropped

I know this one guys

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I wouldn’t be a fan of Love Me Do, but that harmonica is iconic

You have to take it for what it is and let the hair down and go for it.

I’d rather go to the dentist for two hours than listen to them


Ah here, what’s this.

His guitar is tiny

You’d want to be loaded up on something to enjoy that village Green shite

I had to Google this song. Nobody needs a cut from your 2007 album Macca.

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What’s this mate?

Don’t mind him. He’d rather be listening to Encore Une Fois

Fuck it lads we need to salvage this. I’ll start

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me

The crowd look bored out of their tree

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