The Good Luck With Everything Brendan Rodgers Thread

Is he not a soup-taker so? Certainly seems to fulfill the criteria. Everton were the catholic side in Liverpool were they not?

[QUOTE=“Tabby, post: 936461, member: 2142”]Irish people arguing passionately about the actions of english people they’ve never met who happen to support the English team they decided to follow the fortunes of as a child is by far the oddest part of the whole Irish love affair with English football.
Supposedly intelligent people do this passionately with a straight face too. It’s fucking lunacy :D[/QUOTE]

The same fucking retards who will be singing the Ballad of Alan Ryan in their piss-soaked Liverpool tracksuits. Scum of the earth.

I wont be singing The Ballad of Alan Ryan as I don’t know it but I was singing Roll Of Honour in Quinn’s the day of the Liverpool/Man City match/National League semi-final while wearing a Liverpool jersey with Guinness stains on it, if that helps you.

It doesn’t help me, so fuck off. This is between and that uber cunt @Mark Renton

When you say “piss soaked Liverpool tracksuits”, do you mean tracksuit bottoms, tracksuit tops, or both?


How would the piss get on the tracksuit tops? If Liverpool barstoolers are drunken as you say surely their arch flow would be ruined and the piss would dribble out and down rather than up?

I’ve seen drunken LFC fans with piss all over the sleeves of their shell suit. They are too drunk and thick to piss properly. Unless it’s on corpses of course.

Do you lick your daughter out with that mouth?

You know “Hands Of Piss” as well?

I don’t have any daughters you disgusting piece of shit. What a depraved mind you have, I’ve heard rumours Robert Thompson is living in rural Ireland. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was you.

Please deny this, Robert.


Step back from the keyboard here Sandy, you’re being perceived as a poor loser.

I’m sorry, pal… It was late, I was tired and you were being hurtful… I stepped over the line tho and would like to retract that disgusting post and hope we can remain the best of e-buddies.

A disgusting post from a prick of a poster.

‘‘To say Chelsea will be weak is disrespectful. Whatever team they put out will cost more than our team’’

‘‘Im enjoying being at the top of the league, it’s wonderful, and I’ve never slept better’’


Ah lovely – "We won’t underestimate Chelsea. They will look to rectify the five games they have lost away from home’’

Any news on Brendan today?

Wishing every good luck to Brendan this evening and always. He was sacked by Reading and became a better and excellent manager for it and I believe he’ll respond well from this setback too. He’s a very kind man and his support and help to other managers (as detailed in Life on The Volcano) will surely ensure he’s receiving many calls and messages of support from his contemporaries.