Colm.o Rourke has a hard neck slagging players off for being greedy. He has been pulling a 100k a year for the last 20 years out of gas work. Mostly by repeating the same bland shit such as his annual “the gaa should market the league better” article which he regurgitated last Sunday. This along with his school principals.salary and sports shop. Fuck him. He used his indo article.last year to slag off teachers unions for looking for better pay. He knows.the score alright.


Did you fail English?

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He do right, fuck the rest of them.

He’s rattled the shit out of you anyway, fair fucks to him. You’re awfully worried about teachers for a fella who can’t punctuate.

Punctuate your sister.


Rourkey has you rattled mate, you and your GPA cronies.

Dessie is a good bloke. Problem GPA has is to stay relevant it has to expand its jurisdiction and it strays into areas like player development post career that it is really playing at and it needs to prostitute itself to make money. The rugby one IRUPA can do this with professional members but average County player cannot pay for training etc

In GPA defence it has been a great influence on lots of young lads and one thing it does is let them know the lads who are slapping you on the back and offering to buy you pints won’t want to know you once the county career is over so use the profile while you can

O’Rourke is bang on the money. Scummy media cunt that he is.

In their time they have allowed the players lives get harder, not easier. The odd scholorship, often to the wrong people, can’t make up for that.
They have had no influence on the rules, on the mental set up of the championship, the abise of young players and pulling and dragging of them by managers. They have also over seen a time when huge numbers of players are giving up/not committing to IC GAA.

I don’t think players after careers is a bad thing to deal with, there should be a way of bringing them back to reality (although this usually actually isn’t that much of an issue as most lads stay grounded and are working). There should be a service, but it shouldn’t be a priority.

The games and players lives balanced while playing the game should be the priority.

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The bowl is being dug out again

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Fuck me. They are outstanding at rooting out the foremost teat.

A great plan… We need more familiar faces out battling the fight against obesity… The NFL’s 60 minutes of play is a good model to copy.

Great work all round.

You can’t say Seamie Hickeys not earning his corn coming up with these sort of initiatives. We need more pictures like this, they’ll solve the problems.

A wonderful evisceration of the latest GPA begging bowl by Offaly man Paul Rouse.

Didn’t realise Rouse was Offaly. For some reason I had him pegged as an Antrim man or Down.

Offaly although, very nice man too, for an Offaly man. Incredible knowledge.

The push continues.

Dessie justifies his salary (the same salary he refuses to disclose). 2.5 times the size of the current deal

65c a mile might keep a few of the auld stocks going in the weaker counties

Mills need grist.