How many counties offer a player 5 guaranteed Championship games?

There is also league and divisional championship.

You think the Clubs would breakaway from Croke Park and the GAA?

By the way, I presume, although I am no expert, given that the majority of GAA Grounds are vested in the GAA, there would be some paperwork to sort out in this regard.

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No, but they will do enough by downing tools. Do that for 6 months and see what happens.
It may come to that, but most likely is alot of posturing and the CPA get 70% of what they want.

Duffy made alot of enemies last weekend though and exposed a largely previously unseen image. The grandstanding and victory march have not gone down well. It had an immediate effect on CPA membership.

I have spoke to Declan Brennan and Derek Kavangh, helped out in some small way and will again. They have a plan for every eventuality, and they have a nice mix of pig ignorant fuckers, experienced businessmen and good speakers in that group to go a long way. Public opinion is definitely on their side. The auld cunts in the clubs and councils will fight away, but how much fight do they have now? Its a generational swing.

you said competitive.

Best of luck with that one I’d say Kev. Will be some club that breaks from those ranks first. Sure you even see the hassle clubs get for allowing other sports use the facilities

Trustees own club pitches. Not clubs. There is a a representative of the County Committee and a representative of the Provincial council on every board of trustees.


He was talking about the structure of the championship and then saying that there was 5 guaranteed games in it

[quote] will ye please forward this message asking EVERY CLUB PLAYER to sign up. As we all saw from congress last week, the GAA hierarchy didn’t listen to either the GPA or CPA. If everyone gets together and sticks together, we’ll sort out the fixtures mess that exists! The CPA have exciting plans but won’t publish until formally recognised.
Click to register. Its free and only takes two minutes. Thanks [/quote]

The movement begins on whatsapp

The thing with players is that most of them, by definition, want to play, be they club or county players. We saw in the early stages of the GPA that while you might get an isolated bunch of oddballs like the Cork hurlers to go on strike the remainder of the teams carried on regardless and were in no way interested in going out in sympathy with them and ultimately the strike melted away. A ceremonial head was delivered on a plate and Frank carried on as normal.

Once again you might get pockets of oddball club players who won’t see the ridiculousness of giving up their hobby and pretending that it’s a strike, but for the most part lads will keep doing what they enjoy doing. I know I wouldif I was still able bodied enough to do it.


I think the CPA is a good thing, but I dont see them breaking away from Croke Park or anything, and I see a strike as requiring a huge amount of organisation. At present, they have 30,000 members, of which I am one. But have I mandated them to speak for me? Have they asked me a question yet? Do I give them my say so to speak on my behalf?

They have a long way to go. There are no fools involved, but they have a damn long way to go before they have enough on board to strike.

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Not a hope that club players will strike. The CPA have a lot of members tbf to them but there’s a difference between spending 2 minutes signing up to the CPA and actually following what they say

Oh ya, 100% agreed.

But you do give a mandate to them sorting fixtures by signing up.

But some people, including GAA, are way too dismissive of them.

This stuff of “we don’t know who they are?” and a “lack of hurling reps” is awful nonsense.

Does Nicky Brennan not know who Declan Brennan, Liam Griffen, Michael Briody, Derek Kavanagh and Aaron Kernan are??? Has he been asleep for 20 years?

Wait till the voting starts

Can’t see it myself but hope I’m wrong

This lad Brennan, when he was a Monaghan selector there, how concerned was he about club players getting games? Like when club games were cancelled so that the Monaghan squad could go on a training weekend to Portugal did that irk him then at all? If it did, what did he say about it then?

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Competitive was a word in a much longer sentence.

The likes of Nicky don’t concern themselves much with the likes of of Brennan etc. They bank on the goodwill of the fíorghael and the flow of money to keep everyone in check. They’ll most likely have to come to the table with the CPA in due time, but they won’t do it before they have to, rightly or wrongly. In their eyes, the CPA could blow up in a months time.

The CPA on the other hand, have a bit of a road to go to, before they are in a position to say they have the mandate of those that have signed up. At no point on this page does it ask me to agree to give them a mandate to sort fixtures or anything by signing up btw

General query…does every GAA club players not have a registration number? What about underage players?

Limerick football/hurling (excludes prem inter hurling)

2 x group of 6, 5 games to play.
Top team to semi. 2nd & 3rd to quarter
Bottom team to relegation playoff
So play either 7 or 8 games to win a championship (before replays)

8 team groups, 7 matches

Worst case 12 competitive games. Dual players see twice that, although they may not get every league game.

The format is accepted by pretty much everyone. The complaint is scheduling - the group games start in late April and finish in late August with knockout games in September to mid October.

Divisional championships vary across the divisions. They are decent in the west and useless in the city.

This is the crux of it for me too. General fuck heads who were involved in IC setups getting all uppity when they return to club involvement. They want to set up an Organisation so lads can give them MANDATES ( :smile: ) to fix fixtures woes?
This CPA crowd are a new fad. They are a wishy washy new club to be in.

Even if they do get numbers, how do they expect to govern any differently to the Association they are fighting? I’m sure they’ll need Club reps, County Reps, Provincinal Reps, National Executives etc… Sound familiar?