Sure Jaysus when I was a dual player in Dublin, with 16 team divisions in football (which there still is) and 12 team divisions in hurling (which there still is) and cup competitions and championship I was getting about 35 games a year and when I was playing u-21 on top of that there was another 10 or so into the mix. That was before you might be asked to “supplement” a junior or intermediate team that was short of an evening. We also played challenge matches and tournament games in both codes. In short a decent dual player could easily play 40 games in a year and an under 21 could be up around 50.

Not sure how many more games a fellow would want.


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They’ll have to wait til September to strike for anyone to notice…

And the mentality of most senior club teams in Dublin now is to not take the league seriously!! thats 13 of the already scarce matches dust binned straight away…really bizarre…

They do, it is a 7 digit number that each player gets when first registered. @gilgamboa


Not to mention that they pretty much toss the Senior B also if I’m not mistaken?

Ya thats the big thing. No flow to it.

Sectionalized seasons is the way to go.

Clubs play without county lads till august in cups and leagues.League finals played in early august. Then championship starts in mid august and rolls on every week.

Dual thing has to die unless they break it up further. Concurrent game is defunct as a model now.

Why is that now?

Exactly. But nobody plays near that now.

When was the earliest you played in dubli ? What year?

Because if you have to play an entire championship in August and september you cannot facilitate a dual club.

Dublin clubs already moved well away from it sure

Exactly…its really bizarre. .in a lot of cases they want more games but don’t take the majority of the ones they already have seriously. .I know places like Mayo and Tyrone take senior league seriously but others don’t. .

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Leagues taken seriously in Cork & Kerry, Mayo and most Ulster counties

On a side issue, is there always disconnect between rule makers and players?..look at rugby, they always seem to be changing the rules to stamp something out…would that not suggest rule makers and players going in two totally different directions?

Who wants to play an entire championship in August and September?


So I could register on this as an active club player and no way for them to check? The 30k must be seriously questionable in that context


You can register as a player/supporter/administrator/dual player, etc. But yea, I would question those numbers tbh.

Thanks. Somewhat contradicts myou previous point so. Why didn’t CPA look for this at point of registration I wonder

Most club players wouldnt have a notion of their registration number.

I played in Dublin all through the 80s and 90s. The system is the same now.