The Gut Health Thread

So it turns out im lazy… and impatient. I never let it ferment enough i think. The dunnes started stocking good sauerkraut for cheap and i never looked back…

I was having gut problems a few weeks back… Was cramping after eating, small loose stools or constipated small hard stools…it flip flopped. I wonder was it a bit of anxiety with mrs recent health scare as it’s cleared up now but I’ve been taking Alflorex and all seems back to normal except the smell is fairly rancid… Is this still a sign of something off? I had bloods done recently and my bilirubin is slightly elevated so it may be something more sinister at work. anyone have raised bilirubin before?

You mug.
I just picked up the same brand stuff for €3.99

Sounds like you’ve been shoving your thumb up your hole.

I fear that the dunnes stuff isn’t real sauerkraut…that it’s boiled/pasteurized rather than fermented, defeating the entire point…
I’m just starting into a lovely batch myself. Red cabbage, ginger and chilli


Fire up the recipe there.

Recipe kid?

I’d start with white cabbage as red doesn’t seem to contain as much liquid.
Chop the cabbage as finely as you can, if the strips are a few mm wide or less it’ll be easier for the salt to extract the liquid.
Get a large mixing/salad bowl…put in a loose layer of cabbage, about 1cm deep. Sprinkle about 1 tsp of FINE sea salt. Repeat until the bowl is full. Add whatever other vegetables you fancy, anything that can be eaten raw will do. Carraway seeds and whole peppercorns work well also. Chilli and ginger work, you need more than you think though
Mix it up a bit and let it sit for at least an hour, putting a weight on top of it really helps to squeeze out the liquid…a 2 litre bottle of water on top of a small plate works.
Squeeze it or mash it up, it’ll be soaking by now…overnight works. Then fill clean airtight jars as tightly as you can…use something to compress it…really shove it into the jars, a beer bottle is hard to bate…

NOW! You need to take all the brine that’s left and pour it into the jars to COVER the cabbage, otherwise it might mould. If you dont have enough then you can top it up with COOLED boiled water and a pinch of salt. DONT fill right to the top because it’s all going to bubble up/escape. I’ve over filled mine, you can see where they’ve leaked a little
Put the caps on. You can leave them a little loose for a few day but I dont. You need to loosen the caps after a few days, to let the air out, you’llhear it. Loosen again after a week or so and you’re good.

You’re ready in a couple of weeks but longer is better.
Once you’ve a successful batch you can use the brine/culture to kickstart your next batch.


I made a lovely sauerkraut with red cabbage. Have a spoon of it every now and again. Bit of elbow grease required but it’s fascinating to watch it ferment.

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Just put a jar of kimchi into the press there to start fermentation


Ah jaysus it’s mighty stuff. Stinks to high heaven but pack a ridiculous punch.

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Is a week all it takes?

A week is all it takes to start fermentation. You can stop at that but I’m giving it another while to get sourer.


Throw up the recipe for it there

I’ve attempted a Kimchi omelette, fairly nice.
And will hopefully help save my gut from the Paal I cooked last night.


I drank 8 cans of budwiser last night and having a curry chip now. I’ve some gut


Budweiser :joy:

Bought some sauerkraut in the Polish section of Tesco this afternoon. Then picked up Kefir in M&S. I’m looking forward to mental clarity at unreal levels this week.


Bought sauerkraut :man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5:

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