The Gut Health Thread

Id a bone graft in my mouth last year under conscious sedation. Similar to what you describe. Most people dont remember anything of the process even though you remain fully awake. I came to around half way through this thing. Horrendous experience

Jesus that’s horrific. I think there’s a Japanese horror movie about a guy who is having a heart transplant and is aware of everything that is happening and can feel it all, which happens in about 1 in 1000 cases or something like that. In the movie he hunts down the doctor and kills him.

I’v been having apple cider vinegar in apple juice every morning over the last 3-4 weeks and it’s literally a game changer.

You need to get apple cider vinegar with ‘the mother’ in it. You can get it in any health shop and I think Aldi stock it also … but you need the mother. I have two tea spoons of it ( the proper measurement not the cutlery) in about 200mls of fresh apple juice first thing every morning.

There’s a clear improvement in energy, mood and i’ve more or less stopped craving sweet things.

I’d recommend all give it a go for a month and see how you feel.


I hope you are coping better, pet.

Go shit in your hat you cunt.

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I may give this a go.

I’m currently experiencing some pains in my stomach after eating. Rennie seems to ease the pain. Has happened a few times before and would last about 2 weeks.

Get that checked out when you can … could be from all the clonmel champagne.


That possibility did enter my mind alright.

Just put the cider vinegar in your Bulmers

Lidl do a good one from ballyhoura with mother in it… I mix it with pure olive oil to make lovely salad dressing…

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2013 called… Delighted you have reached a levek of intestinal calm mate. Ever try glutamine?

Great energy in this. I really felt it. Hows things?

I did tell you this would happen not too long ago. I suppose lockdown has accelerated it.

The erosion of his tooth enamel will soon stop his gallop.

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If youre not injecting it into your eyeballs you’re at nothin

2 weeks!


Any recommendations for a pro biotic? I’ve finished antibiotics there, my third dose in 6 months and feel like shot

Add these foods to your diet

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Yogurt mozzarella and cheeder already in daily routine will have to try work in a few more