The Gut Health Thread

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What’s that his own brand coffee?

Essentially yeah. It sounds do-able if a bit extreme

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2 weeks into taking probiotic supplements and the results so far are very impressive. My shits are much more solid and a nice shape and colour to them almost from the next day after starting the pills. Thanks for your recommendation, pal. I’ll PM you a photo of my next deposit to show you the results.

Thanks for absolutely nothing @Thomas_Brady you useless cunt.


It’s the thread we’ve been crying out for. Keep it up pal. Well, not literally.

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What brand are you taking horsebox?

I’ll get back to you when I get home.

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I only ate so I can take photos of shites.

In a way I’m surprised we don’t have this thread already.

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Optibac is the name of them. Got them in Lloyd’s pharmacy about €12 iirc.

I bought some sauerkraut fruit salat there in the eastern European shop, absolute gamechanger. @balbec could you share the recipe please?

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We’re in bad shape… I’ve to get a camera down the gullet… anyone have it done? I presume go for the knockout?

Good luck kid. You were always a decent fella. I’ll miss you anyway.

I’ll leave you my flipbelt.

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Yes… Endoscopy. Got knocked out for it. Done and dusted in a few hours. Throat a little raw after.

I had I to rule out coeliac disease (ti’s rampant on ould fellas side of family). It found fuck all.

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Yeah. It’s relatively straightforward. I was knocked out for it. He told me my esophagus was burnt to a crisp from acid. We left it at that.

That’s the road i’m on.

You just need to go on a course of Proton-pump inhibitors for six months. You’ll be fine. They’ll advise you cut down the drink.

I was only 23 when I got it done. I used to be doubled over from what I suspect was colitis (I never got it diagnosed but my father and uncle both had it). Don’t think I’ve had a single bout of it since, bizarrely

I’ll loosen it and use it.