The Gut Health Thread

Yeah I had the works done. Endoscopy, colonoscopy and breath test. General anaesthetic is the only way. Too much coffee and spicey food was my nemesis. I try to cut back a bit and counterbalance with good pickled foods and plenty of fibre, pro biotics. I think I will do a strict detox/fast soon to recalibrate a bit.

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Did it affect your voice/vocal chords?

No. I literally felt nothing aside from a small bit of grogginess from being put out

How does this work?

Not that. The fact that your oesophagus had been bathing in stomach acid for the preceding years.

Jaysus. You were spit-roasted!

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I’ve had this exactly a year - thought it was gallstones but it’s looking like hiatal hernia … really rich / fast foods or over eating not good… Mr’OSullivan killed me two weeks ago piling on food and cake and topping up the wine every few minutes, I was bent over for a week … but that acid buring could be mildly happening you still, you should get it checked out as it’s highly cancerous if left go

There was a waiting list of 9 days to go and see my GP. That’s where we’re at now… and i only got in because of another issue I needed examined - otherwise it was just a phone consultation.

I was given a tablet to chew on and told to breath into a tube. I think it was to see how much Carbon dioxide emitted. Its a test for heliocobacter pylori which I had low levels of. Nasty little bug.

Get Keifer milk.

It will change your life.

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Are ye still using nutribullets?

@Tassotti highlighted years ago that it was messing with the molecular structure of the food and causing all sorts of diet issues. These days I only use it for mixing a bit of beashtings for a weak calf.


Yeah I even had a finger up my bum.
I was in a bad state so I wasn’t going to put up too much resistance. There was a time there 2 years ago where I thought I had some serious muscle degenerative disease. Brain scans, chest CT scans. The works. As it turned our really poor gut health was driver of a whole host of issues.


What did you do to rebuild your stomach health?

Probably started reading this thread. That Choco fella spoke the truth. Not like that bourgeois capitalist glutton bastard @Thomas_Brady, and he drowning in congealed fats


My only weakness is my politeness.

Firing olives in fake olive oil into as many fuckers as he could down the Limerick market every weekend. He robbed more people of gut health than he robbed gaffs.

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That and Mrs Sullivan’s Sunday roast and cream cakes

She’s been shown a yellow card. I’ve told her i’m just having a little pudding after my dinner and two glasses of wine from here on.

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Its different for everyone and what works for some might not work for others. There wasn’t anyone thing for me but several changes. Cutting down on bread, If I have to have it I might go with honey and spelt bread, cereals (when I cut down this my dairy intake lowered as well), sugars , soft drinks. Eat more greens (Spinach, Kale, celery, broccoli) , fermented foods, drink more water, natural yogurt. I tried Cider Vinegar as well but there is conflicting viewpoints on this in terms of acidity. I think Ginger is a great one for a whole list of reasons. I think it is one of the best things you can incorporate into a diet. Its hard not to slip back into bad habits especially if your busy with work/family but I try to stick to the above as much as possible.


There’s better ways to kill a man and worse ways to die. Count you blessings and move on I reckon.

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I did it without anything, if you don’t you’re a fucking pussy.

But seriously get the dope it was fairly unpleasant. They complimented me on my nogra stoicness, said most people who go without end up trying to pull it out and fight them. Have some acidic lizard cells in my oesophagus or something meaning I’ve a few more coming down the line.