The Gut Health Thread

Yeah you’re right the hunger comes in waves and waves. This morning has been far easier than any stage yesterday. I found myself going to fridge , opening it and just looking in and then remembering. There was obviously various triggers throughout the day that made me think of food and then of course everything starts reminding you of food. People on TV eating food etc. But I feel absolutely great today after feeling like shit last night. Full of energy. Eyes don’t feel heavy like they have over last couple of months.

I have a veg soup here ready to go and a chicken salad so nothing too drastic.


Ate a Snickers

Great stuff. You have me thinking I must start at them again.

You could go and get bloods done and repeat at end of year to see any difference.

Once you start eating today you’ll be ravenous.

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you are ateing too much sugar

The clarity from fasting is addictive. I’d do 16 hours most week days.

I never eat till 1pm. I do 2 x 90 minute blocks of work prior to 1pm in a fasted state and that 3 hours is more productive than 7 hours of the fella who is grazing away on cheap carbs ands seed oils. cc @Mac

You are have just started on a very rewarding and successful journey. I wish you well but I know you don’t need it.


Thanks pal. I can see how it is addictive. I will tinker around with different intervals or durations and hopefully land on one that suits or is repeatable. I have read a bit about the 16:8 and it sounds doable with a bit of organisation. Went with 40 hours to kick start it and I’ll see where that takes me.

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My diet has never been better. Ateing more protein than I’ve ever had before and a grand healthy balance of good carbs. I’ll have a body like Carl Froch by the end of the year


I just take it out on the Covid19 thread

Are you my wife?

40 hours is some going …fair play . Do you not find you have much deeper sleep ? When I was doing 18 daily hours fast , I was dead in the bed at night

@KinvarasPassion - by starving yourself for an inner cleanse are you not just admitting you’re eating all the wrong foods?

It’s as much as giving the body a chance to repair , which fasting does , as what food you’re eating

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Lock the thread


Lock the jacks more like …

I’m starting a 48 hour fast in the morning


Yeah it wasn’t the sleep itself it was more getting to sleep really. But woke up feeling energetic as opposed to sleep depraved. That is definitely an area I hope to see some benefit in.

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Google ‘autophagy fasting’… Though it usually takes at least 24 hours of a fast for it to work properly

If you’re doing the 16 hour fast and eating at 1pm does that mean you are having dinner around 9pm? Is that not awful late ?

Ah Art…

He eats between 1-9 that doesn’t mean he’s cramming dinner down his gullet at 8.55pm.

7pm usually. Jaysus I’m doing an 18 hour fasht so. :partying_face:

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