The Gut Health Thread




Jacks not good here today. A feed of Harp and a bottle of McArdles Ale before a curry chip en route home last night :grimacing::boom::boom:

You fucking pig.

Fixed that for you


You reap what you sew there cauli

The Mrs was glad to be heading off to work today mate

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Finally went to doc’s today, haven’t had a normal shit in over six months. Stool and blood samples being sent off for testing. Said I have all the symptoms of IBS, which I guessed anyway. I’m defo lactose intolerant. Most things I eat/drink just seem to go straight through me.

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I have that as well.

Ask to get a camera shoved up your hole, unreal craic. Seriously, get a colonoscopy. Every test.

What’s the symptoms? Six months of scutters?

My GP has put me on movocol for the moment to flush my system out. Should clear the constipation. The results of stool samples will indicate the presence of diverticulitis or not.

If I do have that, or something similar like colitis, then she’ll refer me for a look down/lookup.

It’s almost a year of being constipated. But when I have something like a coffee or something with a lot of milk in it, I get diarrhoea, and it comes on within an hour of drinking the stuff. Most other times I just can’t shit at all, or it comes out in tiny pebbles.

I have no cramps or pain thank god.

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Have you tried ating a few vegetables?

A friend of mine had similar issues, he was on the carnivore diet the fucking mug

Eat them most days. Doesn’t seem to make a difference.

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Is your diet good ? Like if you eat a kebab and a bar of chocolate late at night and have a coffee first thing in morning chances are you won’t be having a solid shite thereafter no matter what

delightful insight

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I wouldn’t say it’s great but it’s not the worst either. I do eat a lot of sugary things I suppose. I’ve cut down on lactose and dairy products. But then I work nights so I could have three or four cups of tea in the a.m.

Chocolate and the like is pure mush inside your body , then add in a laxative like coffee or tea to bring it out …no wonder it’s coming out like a mudslide …


pure sugar, as added to many processed foods is absolutely an issue when consumed in excessive amounts.


GP given me a rough plan of foods I need to avoid. Most processed foods seem to send me off, fast food in particular. But yeah chocolate would make me bloated.

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@KinvarasPassion will set you straight.

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