The Gut Health Thread

Jesus your body rhythms must be completely fucked, that’s no way to live.

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Working nights is a killer for circadian rythms and this has a significant impact on the digestive system. Hard to solve that in your situation.

Our bodies haven’t really evolved to the point where it can process food that’s being constantly fired at it. Alot of fellas on here would graze away throughout the day and into the evening and the body only really has an 8-10 hour window where it gets some down time recover and do some autophagy. Basically, don’t be afraid to starve yourself. Try giving the body even a 12 hour window initially with no food and push it to 16 a few days a week of you can. If your sitting on your hole for a living it’s easily enough done, not as easy if you are doing physical work.

Diet. Go back to real food. Don’t eat anything with more than a few ingredients in it. Ideally drop wheat and dairy for a few months.

Would you be a nervous sort of a fella? Anxiety can drive poor digestion too. Do 10 minutes of deep breathing the odd time during the day. Anxiety is driven by a few of the above items too, dodgy circadian rythms and poor diet for example.

And get a camera up your hole too and stick with the experts, I must go out and check a few cows now.


Are you getting good sources of fibre in your diet? Get those psyllium husks into you

@Gary_Birtles_Lovechi … This man will save your life.

Check out the Fast Tract Diet.

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Sound for the advice. The particular job I do is quiet stressful, I would say much more so than your average job. So yeah the nerves/anxiety would be a factor.
There’s a lot to be said for the deep breathing it has to be said.


I’d be good to eat my veg now for dinner, but I wouldn’t say I quite get my 5 a day. I have whole grain cereal (shredded wheat) for breakfast, but I want to ditch the wheat.


I’ve just had my first “normal” dump in what must be six months. It’s the simple things in life :blush:


Congratulations mate.

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Absolute scenes… You know the rules tho, fire up a pic or you’ll be banned.

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What changes did you make to your diet?

Fucking delighted mate. Here’s to many more.

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That’s the shit


In a few days You’ll need to have an axe beside the toilet to cut it onto manageable pieces for flushing …

That’s just the movocol doing it’s thing.

Mate, honestly… The Fast Tract Diet.

Doctors will prod you with all sorts but will tell you to avoid one or two foods, combat your stress and stick you in a tablet.

Our friend Norm will get you to eat yourself healthy.

How long have you been on this particular diet?

Unrale. I’d say it broke your heart to flush

I studied it. Like a hunter who’s just slaughtered his prey.


If it had been a little shit you could have christened it @Thomas_Brady